Swag Beatz.The best of the best,forget the rest.
Hey Im going around checking everyone out =] Comment and Ill check you out and add if i think you have what it takes. haha this isnt like serious or anything so no sweat, we're all here for the same reason.. passion for music.. so share your talent.. Im Melanie and I love discovering new people. This group is to share and create the best music we can. We like the crazy beats, over the top, or down right bass beasts. So if you wanna join, get poppin, cause there ain't no stoppin. ;]
Young Real and ruthless
Teenage MC's/rappers/ hiphop urban musicians/ up 2 age 19. Y Double R.
Ok, I love music and I believe it's the best way to express yourself. So I created this open group to see what see what other people can make. I leen to the hiphop\rap style. And yes, I am the whitest 16 year old kid you know with pale ass skin, but I can crank out some pretty "jammin" beats. Feel free to post comments or complaints. I'll try my best to answer them. Peace.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Brief Overview:* KOTB is a group dedicated to the rap and hip hop genres. Of course, you can post any genre of music you would like to KOTB, but the specific genres rap and hip hop (or trap, trapstep, etc.) are recommended. Also, those genres are more likely to be featured. On to a new subject.. The meaning of the acronym KOTB is "Kings Of The Bass", inevitably with the word 'bass' meaning an 808 kick, not the instrument. Both beginners and experts are welcome. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attention New Members!: Welcome to KOTB. You may post as much tracks as you want to this group. I also encourage you to listen to the featured tracks. Thanks for joining! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information About the Featured Songs: I change the featured songs whenever I can. I feature songs that I feel deserve popularity. The featured songs can be any genre. Also, you may ask to have one of your songs featured (Keep in mind I have the right to decline your request for any reason). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any Questions, Comments, or Concerns? Just ask me, JR, admin of KOTB. Send me a PM with what you need to know.
HipHopSmith13 years ago
Thanks :)
JETSWAGG13 years ago
good job on this its dope
HipHopSmith13 years ago
Sick of Lyrics13 years ago
man if you made those synth trakcs you're really good keep the good working
hornet8413 years ago
u killd this ish