slow rap beat
demo beat/instrumental
song/beat demo
new thing I made today
swagg remake fixed it up a bit
chill song
Swagga Anthum2 (revised)
beat no scraches extended version
workng on me
Young Real and ruthless
Teenage MC's/rappers/ hiphop urban musicians/ up 2 age 19. Y Double R.
East syde syndicate
me and Daniel be makin beats and producing music what up? hit us up My facebook Brandon turner (: or join the group we always like new ideas and contribution
Upcoming artists
For people who have dreams and passion for the game. You have to be a high class amateur to join or just love what you do. If you interact with me or comment on one of the tracks, I'll check you out. And recommend other too to join the group. "I got my process" -G'Jay
AFNF Casper Crew
hi im LiL ReZz a.k.a casper a.k.a the young OG a.k.a cheddarjosh and this group is for >slappers< ONLY the music i post is rap and is sopposed to sound ghetto and like rap music.. if you want to join your beats better be LEGENDARY and your heart better be in the music ENJOY
Flashback Group
Hey Guys! Thanks For Joining My Group I Hope To See Some Great Beats! :)
Nightmare factory