
YES! Finally. It's done. Enjoy! (if possible...) I took a lot of hard work on this and time on this track. It's my most filled up track I believe, and I like it. 15 LIKES = FREE DOWNLOAD!! I change my mind, 10 LIKES = FREE DOWNLOAD!
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ozcii10 years ago
I've missed out on this! 10th like! :D
Lynxed10 years ago
Thanks @foyleestunes@yahoo.co.uk, and man were so close to 15 likes! I'm not joking about the 15 likes = free download!
foyleestunes@yahoo.co.uk10 years ago
Thanks for the great feedback Hijak, your tunes(especially this one) are pretty sick too. You should write or get someone to spit some lyrics over your beats
Lynxed10 years ago
Thanks K. Trillz! Wow, One-hundred listens! Thats awesome! I'm creating my new song, and Its going along great! I cant tell what genre it currently is, and I'll probably post a WIP later tonight. Its kind of like trap, but different. I guess youĺl see! Thanks for all the listens and likes everyone!
*BLANK*10 years ago
A bit too simple for my tastes, but I do like. :D
Lynxed10 years ago
Thanks @Tiarnia! Don't forget to leave a like :)
EDV!N - E !10 years ago
Really Cool Hijack!
Diepla10 years ago
Pulse 10 years ago
sweet i like
Lynxed10 years ago
Last repost till my next song!