never count on me remix (final unfinished project)
epic synthwave (dead poject)
love.exe reworked (dead project)
goodbye, sadly.
va synth thing preparing
the taste (focus remix)
philly flingo
every emo rap beat ever
cradles (focus remix)
plummeting | focus x little hollow
Moon's 90° Degree Corner
Welcome to my corner yo, post yourself and get some feedback Have fun (optional) I will try to keep the group features as new as I can and add some variety to my choices. Also, don't be afraid to self-promote, knock yourself out. Make sure to check me out and follow me here <3 Peace out and wear your seatbelts.
Orchestral Contest (A.K.A Epic Music Contest)
Welcome to the Group! As the name Suggests, this entire contest is based on orchestral music. Of course, that doesn't mean you have produce a symphony. Any song with orchestral bits in it (Orchestral dubstep, trap, rap, dance, house, etc.) is ok for this contest! Rules are as follows. Contest Start TBA Deadline TBA Winner Announcement TBA RULES 1. Do not bash others music in the comment section to try and reduce their popularity. Anyone who bashes will be given an immediate disqualification and ban from any further contest done by me and any one else I can get you blacklisted from. 2. Do not post 7 different songs to the group. Post your one entry, and leave it at that. 3. ABSOLUTELY NO LOOPS OR PRE-MADE MIDIS. I don't even want to hear a single melody with them in there. Orchestral music is original and melodic, which those loops are not. Anything with a loop in it will be given a 0 on creativity and, most likely, lose all hope of winning. 4. Do not post a song with a 5 second violin solo and then synth for the rest of the song. I said you don't need to write a symphony, but I would like this to be as orchestral as possible. No, we will not dock you points for using more or less orchestra, it's just a preference. 5. Remixes of already composed orchestral pieces ARE NOT PERMITTED. If you remix a song without an orchestral piece in it already then that is allowed. 6. Links to your contest songs are the only link allotted in the comment section. Any and all user caught using links in the comment section other than their contest song will be banned from this contest. (Only this contest, it's not that big of a deal that I would ban you from all contests) 7. HAVE SOME FUN AND TRY YOUR HARDEST. PRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIZES 1st. Pending + Video on SoS youtube channel 2nd. Pending + Video on SoS youtube channel 3rd. Pending + Feature on Music Makerz for 1 month 4th. Feature on Music Makerz for 1 month 5th. Feature on Music Makerz for 1 month Judges Judge 1: TheDevilstop Judge 2: TBA Judge 3: TBA Have fun guys!
Quest of the WANDERers
A contest group, where all sorts of challenges come up every week. They will be about holidays, remixes, and the winner of each week gets a prize! They will also be featured on the winning tracks list, and on YouTube. It won't be on Soundation's page, though. It will be on mine. It's called "Lotys Hunters" when you search it. Thanks! Oh, and remember- all Soundation rules apply here. Just to make sure! This week's challenge is: A Lo-Fi Challenge! Details: Everyone will make a Lo-Fi track, no matter how good or bad you are, and enter it. Whoever wins gets a shout-out and YOUTUBE MENTIONS!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Share your collaborations for a chance to get featured!Soundation's Collab Live lets you make music in the same project with anyone in real-time. Find out more about Collab Live here.Keep dropping tracks. We look forward to hearing your music!
Hip Hop & Trap
Share your #Hip Hop tracks for a chance to get featured!If Hip Hop is your thing, this group is for you. From Trap, Lo-Fi Hip Hop, Boom Bap, Grime to Glitch Hop, share your gritty beats with us here and listen to tracks from fellow producers to get inspiration for your next production. Also open for Reggaeton, Chopped N Screwed and Future Bass, this place is for your hard-hitting content whether you want to recreate classics or break the mould of all worldwide hip hop genres.Keep dropping tracks. We look forward to hearing your music!
Lettuce's Wonderful Kitchen
Welcome to lettuce's wonderful kitchen, feel free to join the community! There is no rules, do whatever you want i guess. Kitchen chefs: IceBearz, AlphaWolf, Eden Pigeon. I will try to feature tracks when i'm active.
Trap Contest
This contest (Like the House contest) is to see who is the best Trap maker. I can't accept Dubstep, House, Rock 'n' Roll etc. RULES: 1. No swearing in the songs or on the group. 2. Only post one song. 3. Only post Trap music. 4. Only create your own synths and beats. 5. Have fun making music. So good luck and may the best WIN! (Like Darth Oak)
Milanos Gang
join if ur awesome
Monthly Playlist
Monthly Playlist group is temporarily closed. Going forward you can find out what's been in regular rotation on Team Soundation's headphones every month from the newsfeed and our social media. Follow us on SoundCloud here Updated: 21 October 2020
⁹₉∙LOn3r∙₉⁹ (yes i removed one dot on each side)
Eden Pigeon ♪
DJ Titanic