love to make music in my spare time.
Master Channel Settings:
Distortion, WS1, 5% Gain, Output 0DB.
This is to acheive "soft clipping", similar to FL Studio.
For EDM mixes: Add a compressor with the preset called '4 Strings'. Edit the attack to 0ms and the Output gain to around 16-20db(Depends on your mix). Then, add a distortion, on CLIP mode, and put the gain on 1% and Output at 0DB. If you want extra loudness but more compressed-sounding, after the distortion, add a compressor with the preset "Bass Running Hot", the gain around 12ish and then add distortion on clip BUT gain is on 2%. Add EQ if needed for taming the bass. Then drive the kick as much as you needed for pumping, and/or use a Fakie on the individual tracks on Classic Mode and automate as nesscary.
Edit: what is this new layout? I liked the old one better.