Chronic Pain
Sesame Fudge
Marshmellow Fluff
Robot Ears
Supa Chill
Survive 7th Grd Credits
Music Theory
HERE IS A .SNG FILE WITH A SHORT CHILLOUT IDEA IN IT HERE IS A .SNG FOR A DNB DRUM BEAT It has come to my attention that many people on soundation don't have a basic understanding of music theory and subsequently some of them find it hard to make there own loops, stay in a key and make nice sounding melodies. I intend to change that by helping those people get to grips with the basics, I will also be giving a few tips targeted at those who already have a good understanding and have to help really improve there musical depth, such as some really neat key changes (Key changes are barely used on soundation), chromaticism, blues notes, extended chords, countermelodies and many more, NEW!!!!: KRackEd EkHo had the idea of having a communal account so people can see the ideas of music theory for themselves as well as getting useful ideas. the user name is '' and the password is 'duskmusicuk' feel free to add new projects and test your ideas for others to see, I'll be putting a few things up for others to use and get ideas from. the only things you cannot do is delete projects, change the password or do anything on the community with this account, this account is purely for use in the studio. if anyone does otherwise the account will be shut down, so please obey by the rules. The Basics: there are 12 notes on the key board A, A-sharp/B-flat, B, C, C-sharp/D-flat, D, D-sharp/E-flat, E, F, F-sharp/G-flat, G, G-sharp/A-flat, check the link to see how these relate to the piano roll ...but you only use 7 at a time because there are only seven in each key, e.g. C,D,E,F,G,A,B,(C) an octave is C1 to C2 as C2 is the 8th note from C1 (as there are seven in the scale) The gap between to note directly adjacent to each other (e.g. B and C or D and D-sharp) is called a semitone, 2 semitones are called a tone (e.g. the gap between C and D is a tone, check the piano roll or link to see for yourself) Major Keys: the pattern of these tones and semitones for a major scale is T,T,S,T,T,T,S (e.g. C,D,E,F,G,A,B,(C) for C major or F,G,A,B-flat,C,D,E, for F major you simply pick a major key and to work out the scale for that key you use the pattern T,T,S,T,T,T,S to find all the notes. Minor Keys: For a natural minor Key the pattern is T,S,T,T,S,T,T but for a harmonic minor the pattern is T,S,T,T,S,T+S,S (mess around and see which you prefer), so an A (natural) minor scale would be A,B,C,D,E,F,G,(A) an A (harmonic) minor would be A,B,C,D,E,F,G-sharp,(A). check this site for more or Basic chords: the most common chord is a triad, it has 3 notes and the have intervals of thirds (in others words they have one note in between them (from the scale of the key), e.g. in C major the notes of the scale are C,D,E,F,G,A,B so a third would be C to E or D to F) in this clip, the chord C major is played first, the first note is C, the next note is E as it is a third away (one note in between), then a G is the next as it is a third away from E this gives you C,E,G and this is how you make triads. check this clip and my comments at the beginning for a proper lesson on chords also check these clips for more on scales and chord sequences (more to come)
Try - Outs: Music Makerz
Post your songs and you'll receive a message if I chose you!
Summer Dance Contest
The Final 3 have been picked. But before I announce the winners I'd like to thank every single person that entered this year, as without you guys the contest wouldn't be possible. 1 - Summer Paradise by Phoenix - I love the tropical feel to your track, not something many users here can pull off nicely. Well done on first place, please contact me for your packs. 2 - Lavish by Ozcii - It's so interesting how you can incorporate your typical chill sounds into a banging house track. Super nice! Please contact me for your pack. 3 - Mind Games by Xplour - The melodies in Mind Games are so catchy, I had them in my head all day the first time I heard it. Plus the beat really gives off a summer-feeling vibe, big ups. Also congrats to NKM and Sam Pugh for reaching the final 5, see you guys next year. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Welcome, everybody, to the *third* Summer Dance contest, the only contest on Soundation to find the best artist of the so called subgenre 'Summer Dance'. To keep it simple, I'm going to allow the same 4 genres as last year, plus two: Summer Dance, Deep House, Progressive House, Future House, Indie/Melodic House and Tropical House. If you are confused by these genres here are some examples: Summer Dance ~ Alex Adair - Make Me Feel Better (Don Diablo & CID Remix) Deep House ~ Azealia Banks - Chasing Time (LiTek Remix) Progressive House ~ Martin Garrix - Forbidden Voices Future House ~ Spraynpray - Police Indie/Melodic House ~ Bolier & Natalie Peris - Forever And A Day (LVNDSCAPE Remix) Tropical House ~ Coldplay - Midnight (Kygo Remix) *Why Summer Dance?* Now that spring has arrived, the weather is starting to get better and soon when summer arrives the weather will be brilliant. So why not prepare for summer with the ultimate Summer Dance track? *Info:* You have until 29th May to create your best Summer Dance track. I will pick my five favourite tracks. I will then give you guys three weeks (19th June) to vote for your favourite track. Then there will only be three remaining tracks (until next year), first, second and third place. *Rules:* 1. Criticism is allowed, but no putting anybody down, no matter what! 2. Swearing is not banned, but please don't overdo it. 3. If you want to post a WIP, please delete it once you have posted the full track. 4. Please only post ONE track. If you decide to post more than one track none of them will be judged. 5. Creating your own MIDI notes is recommended. You can use samples, but leaving them unedited gives you less of a chance to win. You can use any studio. 6. Tracks can be any length, but the recommended length is between 2 minutes and 5 minutes. 7. Tracks have to be posted via Soundation, 'click the link' tracks won't be able to win, no matter how good they are. *Prizes:* *1st Place* - 3 soundpacks* of your choice, collab if wanted, shoutout on social media and bragging rights. *2nd Place* - 1 soundpack* of your choice, collab if wanted, shoutout on social media and bragging rights. *3rd Place* - Collab if wanted, shoutout on social media and bragging rights. *Maximum £5 per soundpack (e.g. the £4.50 soundpacks) - If a collab track gets 1st or 2nd one soundpack per person. Most importantly, have a blast :)
Soundation Stars
This Group is for all the stars of Soundation! Keep Shining!
The Music Geek Collective
BIG NEWS! :) After a few years the time has finally come where the community along with it's users have evolved into the next big step in HISTORY! Ladies and gentleman I present to you the very first official record label to come out! The Music Geek Collective (WE ARE NOT IN ANY WAY AFFILIATED WITH SOUNDATION OR POWERFX) YES A REAL RECORD LABEL! A legally copyrighted label where all artists have official contracts and get paid for their hard work! A label that gives all the artists a platform where they can finally live their dream of building a fanbase and getting their music distributed to a worldwide audience!! The artists on this label so far include... Xephyr Cyclosa Tom Bellinger Kracked Ekho Sam Pugh Foresight And of course BASS4ROG the founder himself. But that isn't all!... WE ARE STILL LOOKING FOR MORE PEOPLE! :) We are looking for more talented artists and interns that are interested in working for the label! If you are someone that is heavily skilled in graphic design, social media marketing, or are interested in becoming a signed artist PM BASS4ROG, post a track, and join the movement! :D But as you can imagine. With any big vision there also comes a lot of start up costs. There's the cost of lawyers, copyrighting, licensing, business contracts, distribution, music videos, graphic design etc.. But I KNOW... that we as a community have the power to succeed if we come together! :) Every little donation goes a long way in a community filled with so many users! So whoever would like to be so generous and donate to our startup costs... here's a link... Donate Here! :)... Support Us On Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Soundcloud: Youtube:
D. Wade