Join we make good beats xD
Newbies Corner
Hej! Ciao! Hola! Hello! We see you've found the new Soundation's Newbies Corner. :)Tell everyone a little bit about yourself. Where you're from, what's your audio background, who are your musical heroes, what are your dream collabs. Feel free to post a question here if you're curious about anything - there are no stupid questions. And if you are a Soundation pro, please don't hesitate to offer your experience and wisdom. We all had to start somewhere!
House & Techno
Share your #House & Techno tracks for a chance to get featured!For producers who crave the raw edgy sounds of House and Techno, this is it. Think of this group as your virtual underground club where you can drop as many heavy-hitting dance-floor dynamites as you want. A joint for anything from Acid/ Electro/ Tech/ Future/ Minimal/ Tropical/ Deep/ Progressive House to EDM, this space is also open for Hardstyle, Complextro, Trance, Big Room, the list goes on. Keep dropping tracks. We look forward to hearing your music!
Music is Cool
Like Music For Fun, Music Is Cool is a general group on Soundation. Unlike any the invite-only groups, Music is Cool is not for just the best, it's for people of all skill levels. You are allowed to post any genre of music up here. This is open for all people. h2. Co-Admins: _If I'm not here, they have control of the group._ "Snow Fox": "Heywhatchadoing?": h2. Advisors: _These are the users you can PM if you need help with a specific music genre_ **Drum n Bass:** "wyatt17": "DJ Fox": Click "here": to follow me. **Custom Notes:** "DJ XJM": Click "here": to follow DJ XJM "Snow Fox": Click "here": to follow Snow Fox. **Soft Piano/Techno:** "Snow Fox": **Electronica:** "wyatt17": "Heywhatchadoing?": "ksmtornado": "DJ LJ[liamboi486]": *Dubstep:* "Heywhatchadoing?": **Insane Ammount(For those who are insane and crazy with the studio):** "Makin Beatz": h2. Groups To Check Out _These are some real cool groups you should check out..._ "Only Best Music": "Music For Fun": "Music Makerz": "Tornado!": "UrbanNiche": "The Ministry Of Soundation": "The Beats of Tomorrow": "Ministry Of Soundation Contest": "Sound of Advancement": "Sound Generators": "Versus": "PB4L Kings":
Music for Fun
This group is aimed to give members a fun experience while they work with Soundation Studio. For Soundation users wanting help with basic studio functions or if users need advice on how to make a particular track work. This is also a group for anyone that would like to share their music and love of music! No special requirements needed. You're a music lover and that's good enough! Announcements! ICON SUBMISSIONS You are more than welcome to send in group icons for MFF! If you do create a group icon for MFF throw me a PM and I'll give it a look! WE HAVE A DISCORD! It's pretty dead but feel free to chat it up :p be nice
make music and let everyone see how good you are.
Neon Light's fan group
You can post any Music on this group but you have to follow me!
MVM fans!
Techno Music Challenge
As some of you may know, my favorite type of music is electric. This can be electronica, EDM, etc. Prizes: First place, follow by me and a shoutout on my profile AND I will suggest that song that you made to be featured AND I will like the song you made. Second place, follow by me, I will like the song you made and I will give you a 2 - day long shoutout on my profile. Third place, I will like your song and you will get a follow from me. RULES: You can only post one song. I will choose the winners by the end of may or past that if there are less than 5 tracks/songs. Now stop reading the description and go show what you can do!
Lettuce's Wonderful Kitchen
Welcome to lettuce's wonderful kitchen, feel free to join the community! There is no rules, do whatever you want i guess. Kitchen chefs: IceBearz, AlphaWolf, Eden Pigeon. I will try to feature tracks when i'm active.
Any Music
On this group you can share any songs that you would like more people to notice. So probably put your best songs on here. Everyone is welcome!! If you listen to anybody song and you do not like it don't put any bad comments on it. Just leave some feedback. Please do not post wips on this group.
This is a group for a wide variety of music! Welcome to all! Feel free to join this group. :) Have a splendid spring! Anyone got some fresh new beats for the new season? Let's go! We made it to over 1500! Thank you so much for all your support! Keep the tracks coming everyone!
The Time Jumper
My group post whatever you want.
Chill Music Group
This is a group for music genres of chillout/chillstep/any chill music. If you have any chill type music of yours, post it here! Please do not advertise/post links in the comments. Also no swearing/inappropriate things in the comments. Just be kind. Once a week I will feature 3 tracks that are my favorite out of this group. One of them I will give feedback on them. Now stop reading this and post you chill music! :>
That dead Top 10 Page ;)
This group is dead but I check in every once in a while and new people keep showing up, you guys seem to be using it as a music sharing outlet so, I'm just going to continue leaving it here for you guys to share... like I've been doing this entire time already... Idk why your're still reading this, I have nothing more to tell you... Go and give feedback or something idk lmao
TTJ5 years ago
oh ok
Neon Lights5 years ago
that was a glitch
Neon Lights5 years ago
I had to dowland it and i cut the hour off
Neon Lights5 years ago
that happened to me
Neon Lights5 years ago
I edited it.
TTJ5 years ago
Wait why is your song not broken? My song canyon posted after a day and then for some reason it was an hour long.
TTJ5 years ago
Potato 5 years ago
Dis is gooooood!
Neon Lights5 years ago
Thanks! @The Supreme Cat
The Supreme Cat5 years ago