♫♪♫ Music Inspiration ♫♪♫
This group is dedicated to Music. Any type of genres. Whether it's Dubstep, Hip-Hop/RNB, Electronica,etc. Everyone is welcomed in this group! We've reached our goals as well. There are also Amazing Songs on Soundation. I haven't been updating this group for awhile. Feature Update: Every 2 weeks there will be new tracks featured. News: Anyone Who Wants to Remix Dilemma There will be an Sng File in another Group https://soundation.com/group/official-remixes Rules: Be Mature, Respect Others, Make Music, Have Fun. No pointing people out in a rude way. GOALS: _________________________________________________ [X]10 [X] 20 [X] 30 [X] 40 [X] 50 [X] 60 [X] 70 [X] 80 [X] 90 ENJOY THE MUSIC! .ılılıll|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llılılı.
Any Music
On this group you can share any songs that you would like more people to notice. So probably put your best songs on here. Everyone is welcome!! If you listen to anybody song and you do not like it don't put any bad comments on it. Just leave some feedback. Please do not post wips on this group.
Artists of the Universe
Have fun with making music! I just made this group for some users to hear the others music, give tips and also constructive critic. You are allowed to spam in this group, BUT NOT TOO MUCH! Please only post brandnew tracks you are VERY proud of! I will change the featured tracks every week. _________________________________________________________________________________ PS: A cool Wub Sound : 1)Open a Wub-Machine Channel and take the Saw Lead. 2)LFO-Speed=max. LFO-Section=the first one 3)M.S.L=min. 4)Analog Filter Section= Peak Cutoff=20 000 Hz 5)NO Reese 6)Add a reverb, Preset= Lush Piano 7)Distortion= Foldback Gain= max. 8)Add a filter Cutoff= around 13500Hz Resonance=21% (Lowpass) Now copy the channel and copy the notes one octave higher or deeper! It's finished! _________________________________________________________________________________ And a simple lead instrument! : Choose the simple Channel: Preset 8 On the saw osc: Pitch 0 Filter Cutoff Max FX: Compressor Bass Running Hot Reverb: Cold Cave Distortion: Clip, Gain 5% Fakie Tutorials like this are welcome in this group! When you've got a nice instrument please write it into the comments and I'll probably add it to the description!
Boss Beats
Cheapskates (free users unite!)
Think you need a premium account to make good music on here? Nah that's rubbish, I am a free users and think soundation is great without any of the paid stuff. So if you want to show off what you can do with a free account join now and post your stuff. Have fun and share your music! Edit: Soundation are making it harder and harder for new users, from restricting the number of instrument tracks in each project to removing automation. This is really unfortunate. All I can suggest for those who miss these features but do not want to pay a premium for them is that you give audiotool a try.
Cobratown Records
Welcome to Cobratown Records! Formed and founded by Cobra, this label's purpose is to showcase the unheard talents of the EDM scene! Anyone can join, so get to it! ANNOUNCEMENTS - (IMPORTANT) Cloudreamer has a poll at https://www.strawpoll.me/11218729 - We have an official News Group! PM Cobra to join! Group @ https://soundation.com/group/cobratownnews With the news group, you'll get access to exclusive AMAs (Ask Me Anythings), Drama, weekly updates, shootouts, and a whole lot more for free! - We have a partner label on Audiotool named "Destroy The Copyright". Enlist in the DTC Army and help change the industry for the better at https://www.audiotool.com/user/destroythecopyrightofficial - We support change in the Soundation Community, so we're helping the Tornado group get as many signatures as possible so a Soundation app can be developed. Link: https://www.change.org/p/soundation-power-fx-crew-make-a-soundation-app?recruiter=385172496&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink - We are always looking for new members! Post your track and challenge yourself to join the Cobratown Nest! Shoutouts: - Shoutout to our friend and 5th follower, Brighto! You can find him here: Soundation: https://soundation.com/user/Brighto - Shoutout to our friends at The Cobratown News Group! Links here: https://soundation.com/group/cobratownnews - Shoutout to an awesome producer, Asa Ninja! Follow him here: Soundation: https://soundation.com/user/djninja72 YouTube (as GoldNinja Vlogspot): https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCqHvtwhVcXmlizNGNw6coBA YouTube (As Golden Records): https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCp8YGh6PPhbJeHuLqk7Bjag - And finally, shoutout to our dear friend, AURA! Find him here: Soundation: https://soundation.com/user/AURA-TRANCE-BAR CHECK BACK FOR NEW RELEASES SUNDAY THROUGH FRIDAY
Learning and Burning
Hello Music Burners! New info! If you need help with anything or have any questions click on this link, Press PM, and type what you need to say. Thanks! https://soundation.com/user/Dr.music#
Music for Fun
This group is aimed to give members a fun experience while they work with Soundation Studio. For Soundation users wanting help with basic studio functions or if users need advice on how to make a particular track work. This is also a group for anyone that would like to share their music and love of music! No special requirements needed. You're a music lover and that's good enough! Announcements! ICON SUBMISSIONS You are more than welcome to send in group icons for MFF! If you do create a group icon for MFF throw me a PM and I'll give it a look! WE HAVE A DISCORD! It's pretty dead but feel free to chat it up :p be nice
Music is Cool
Like Music For Fun, Music Is Cool is a general group on Soundation. Unlike any the invite-only groups, Music is Cool is not for just the best, it's for people of all skill levels. You are allowed to post any genre of music up here. This is open for all people. h2. Co-Admins: _If I'm not here, they have control of the group._ "Snow Fox":http://soundation.com/user/Snow_Fox "Heywhatchadoing?":http://soundation.com/user/heywhatchadoing h2. Advisors: _These are the users you can PM if you need help with a specific music genre_ **Drum n Bass:** "wyatt17":http://soundation.com/user/wyatt17 "DJ Fox":http://soundation.com/user/DJ_Fox Click "here":http://soundation.com/group/Follow_Team_Fox to follow me. **Custom Notes:** "DJ XJM":http://soundation.com/user/dj-xjm Click "here":http://soundation.com/group/dj-xjm-follow-page to follow DJ XJM "Snow Fox":http://soundation.com/user/Snow_Fox Click "here":http://soundation.com/group/Follow_Team_Fox to follow Snow Fox. **Soft Piano/Techno:** "Snow Fox":http://soundation.com/user/Snow_Fox **Electronica:** "wyatt17":http://soundation.com/user/wyatt17 "Heywhatchadoing?":http://soundation.com/user/heywhatchadoing "ksmtornado":http://soundation.com/user/ksmtornado "DJ LJ[liamboi486]":http://soundation.com/user/liamboi486 *Dubstep:* "Heywhatchadoing?":http://soundation.com/user/heywhatchadoing **Insane Ammount(For those who are insane and crazy with the studio):** "Makin Beatz":http://soundation.com/user/makinbeatz2012 h2. Groups To Check Out _These are some real cool groups you should check out..._ "Only Best Music":http://soundation.com/group/OBM "Music For Fun":http://soundation.com/group/music-for-fun "Music Makerz":http://soundation.com/group/the-devilstop-community "Tornado!":http://soundation.com/group/tornado "UrbanNiche":http://soundation.com/group/urbanniche "The Ministry Of Soundation":http://soundation.com/group/TheMinistryOfSoundation "The Beats of Tomorrow":http://soundation.com/group/the-beats-of-tomorrow "Ministry Of Soundation Contest":http://soundation.com/group/ministry-of-soundation-contest "Sound of Advancement":http://soundation.com/group/sound-of-rejuvenation "Sound Generators":http://soundation.com/group/sound-generators "Versus":http://soundation.com/group/Vs "PB4L Kings":http://soundation.com/group/pb4l-kings
Music Is The Weapon
Hello! Make yourself at Home! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *•••◄Update►•••* *May 31, 2018 [12:10AM]* Well I suppose it is safe to say that this group is officially dead. It has been for a while now, and by that i mean several years.. and perhaps more to come, that's why i'm not putting any specific numbers. There's a chance I might log in to simply jog my memories on the more simpler days as a child, (saying this due to the fact i'm practically an adult by now and this was created nearly 6, perhaps 7 years ago..) so i guess you could continue posting if you want. After all, this is a generalized group for all to enjoy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *What the Group is about* This group is (was) meant to help members from this community to upload and share their original music piece. They could receive whatever help needed to improve and succeed or simply enjoy and appreciate everyone else's creations. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Rules* § *No Spamming* § *Be Organized* § *Respect Others* § *Be careful with your own Promotions* It shouldn't be that hard to follow. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Featured tracks* will be changed whenever I remember to change them.
Music Madness
_WELCOME_ Hey guys it's me soundkid (as if you care lol) i decided to make my own group. i hope you all like it, so for now anyone can join post tracks and post comments etc. Show every your talent, and show people what you can do. SHINE LIKE A STAR!!!! here we are all about the music doesn't matter what kind. Everyone is welcome!!! __________________________________________________ _RULES FOOLS_ BUT of course there are rules. *no bragging *no putting people down (no negative comments) NO EXCEPTIONS. *keep the cussing to a limit (you can curse but don't over do it) *and have fun. *be nice __________________________________________________ OTHER PAGES >>>>Competition page: https://soundation.com/group/-weekly-contest >>>> Nightmare Army page: https://soundation.com/group/nightmare-army __________________________________________________ _HERE'S A HINT_ ******psst...psst 0_0 if you think your song is good enough to get featured join the group and post a comment with a link to your song or post the song in the TRACKS bar to your right. i'll take a look at it when i get a chance and see if it feature worthy even though ALMOST every song is worthy of a feature. *****platinum chatrooms contains video chat, emoticons,font changer, and other fun stuff. you must sign up to the website though. it's worthet though. *****regular chatrooms contain nothing but typing. you dont have to sign up to the website. *****suggestion day is a day where all the members can pm their suggestins on how to make the group better or pm their problems with the group and the group leader(yours truly) will take all of what they say into consideration and see what he/she can do.(i will see what i can do) __________________________________________________ _EVENTS_ 1.Hey GUYS!!!! Im doing a secret santa OC drawing. meaning if you want to be in it pm me. this drawing is going to be posted on manga magazine by yours truly and maybe on youtube (ins about youtube). for more detail into OC SECRET SANTA pm me or look in the updates below. 2.HEY HEY HEY STARTING NOW ALL THE WAY TO THE END OF THE YEAR MUSIC MADDNESS IS GOING YOUTUBE VIRAL!!! MEANING WE WILL BE ON YOUTUBE FOR ALL TO SEE!!! IF YOU WANT YOUR SONG GOING VIRAL PM ME WHICH SONG YOU WANT ME TO USE... IT MUST BE FROM THIS GROUP!!! ONCE YOUR SONG IS DONE AND POSTED ON YT YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED AND WILL GET CREDITED LIKE CRAZY!!! 3. __________________________________________________ _CHATROOMS_ --->Platinum Chatroom:https://express.paltalk.com/?loadMyRoom=true --->Regular Chatroom:https://stinto.net/zv0bt __________________________________________________ _FEATURES_ +Groups *Team Crafted>>https://soundation.com/group/Team_Crafted *Klassic Beats >>>https://soundation.com/group/klassic-beats * +profiles * * * +youtube channels *Creepypasta Wizard:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx62gb5aH7Vy2kcWBvfWuYA *SkydoesMinecraft:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKlhpmbHGxBE6uw9B_uLeqQ * ___________________________________________________ _UPDATES_ NEW UPDATE>>>>> 1. Game theme Contest coming up 2. (BEFORE READING THIS NOTE THAT IT DOESNT MATTER IF YOUR BAD AT DRAWING OR NOT!!! IM NOT ASKING FOR A MAGICAL AWESOME DRAWING OR PAINTING!!! JUST A SKETCH OF YOUR OC THATS ALL) OC Secret santa: so i'm going to do two special drawings for all my fans and supporters BUT only the people who ask are gonna be in them sadly. I cant fit 30 or 40 people into one page so here's how it's gonna work. There will be 10 Openings for the first Drawing. (just to be fair) To be one of the 10 people in the drawing in the you will have to send me a picture of your OC and of course ask to be in the drawing. Pm me a link of the drawing or the drawing itself or send it to me via email: soundkid123@gmail.com or if you have a manga magazine account send it to me on my MM account:https://www.mangamagazine.net/authors-and-artists/SoundKid/detail-page/76947 For the second sketch there are only 5 openings but these opening will be for chosen people of my choice (meaning begging will not help) So that's it for now hope you ALL KEEP SHINING LIKE THE MADNESS STARS YOU ARE!!! BTW: as a bonus to those who participated your oc's will of course be redrawn and be posted on my MM account for all to see and you will all get credited like crazy and get feature on my soundation group! 3. hey guy if you want to get in touch with me with quick replies find me on facebook and dont forget to slap that like button. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Soundkiduniverse/214888208635545 4. 5. _______________________________________________ CARTOON QUOTE OF THE WEEK "nothing bad ever happens at school,except for learning!" by cosmo from fairly odd parents
2019 https://soundcloud.com/dakmondusk
relax, its just music
relax, its just music . Follow me! https://soundcloud.com/wyattofficial ------------------------------------------- just message me to be featured ;)
Welcome... to Soundation Music Club. Show what you can, show their talent, show their best tracks! Let everyone know that you have talent. Please, send your demo to user. One rule: no ads
Sound-ation Artists United
I wanted to make a group open to everyone on Soundation to share our music, help each other, and to support all of the artists on here. If you are trying to sell your work, are promoting a label, or want to help support fellow artists, please message me with information and/ or share this page with fellow artists, friends, and family! I will be adding info on fellow artists here periodically as it becomes available. Best wishes my friends! Keep creating AND HAVE FUN!!!! PLEASE POST OPPORTUNITIES HERE for fellow artists also or message me with any info that can help artists here with more opportunities. *Note this group is not officially endorsed by Soundation or any related parent companies. This is not a business or label, but simply a group to support fellow artists on Soundation and share our music. I do not officially endorse any artists here. This is simply a group meant to help the hardworking artists here who deserve recognition and support. Note to new artists of Soundation: If you're new to SOUNDATION, I recommend buying the premium account or sound set packs to start off with. It will just make your life easier and music more original to have the whole library available plus you can download or record your own productions from elsewhere. If not, really try to use the free samples originally or try experimenting with midi's on the blue channels. Ask the artists/ admins here or check the tabs below the entire group page for help. *AND PLEASE SHOW SUPPORT FOR ALL OF THE ARTISTS ON SITE!* For Cyberbit:https://soundation.com/user/cyberbit https://cyberbit.bandcamp.com/ For Miles Findlay:https://soundation.com/user/milesfindlay For IAwake:https://merkabamusic1.bandcamp.com/album/zenith For Aronson: https://soundcloud.com/houseoffuture Check out his new EP: https://soundcloud.com/zach2-1/sets/fresh-start-ep-1 Dementia: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dementia/387446748060032 D-CYPHR: https://www.rappad.co/users/D-CYPHR https://www.facebook.com/CypherRaps/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC41imd3m234g3p0UY9QKETA For Ryan:https://soundation.com/user/itsryanyeah Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCltNKq7sasi6NHAy8tEoTAQ For Michotic: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/0DCncTqKAZtuYYzX4koNVz Facebook Page: https://m.facebook.com/Michoticmusic/ ****************************************************************************************FOR CYPRASONIC (AKA) DOC REGALS: NEW MUSIC, ART, BOOKS, ACCESSORIES, AND FACEBOOK********************************************************************** Music: https://cyprasonic.bandcamp.com *APPAREL AND ACCESSORIES:* robertoregan I do take requests for custom products as well. BOOKS: https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/Regals Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nicholas-R-Regan-artist-and-more/114318088615787?ref=hl ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************* TO HELP SUPPORT (Your Name Here): *YOUTUBE CHANNELS:* Anton Smith: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIRggBCZaZaB4fD4QDgdfcw Cyclosa: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfM6cYP62ahJT8iY9Kcn2xA Ryan: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCltNKq7sasi6NHAy8tEoTAQ Formerly CC and BB: https://www.youtube.com/backbonezdubstep Sean Foxx/ Elizalde: Promotional group/record label. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3xWeTyJ43Q7TC08sCVbPoQ https://soundcloud.com/existence-records-music Cyprasonic (A.K.A.) Doc Regals:https:https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=kGOMwEnnEwQ *OPPORTUNITIES FOR SOUNDATION ARTISTS:* https://www.indabamusic.com/ https://play.beatport.com/ https://bandcamp.com/ https://www.spotify.com/us/ https://soundation.com/group/the-music-geek-collective *Please also consider donating or raising awareness to charities and nonprofits that are important to you:* Doctors Without Borders: https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/ National Wildlife Foundation: https://www.nwf.org/ The Red Cross: https://www.redcross.org The Nature Conservancy: https://www.nature.org/ The Planetary Society: https://planetarysociety.org/
luka-lin7 years ago
it is gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
ChordsBoy8 years ago
Awesome stuff! I really like it :D
Lil'Reaper BeatFactory8 years ago
This is good