My home is the feast.

Almost 9 years ago Electronica
second song, this track if it is more attractive after its rhythms, this if e is pure, you can hear rhythms to create them they are difficult but mixing well all I was able to do this great track.

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DUBJazZNitro Avatar
DUBJazZNitro9 years ago
I make some good tracks but no said that to me
DJ ANG3L Avatar
DJ ANG3L9 years ago
thanks and yours are also good
dropbase7801 Avatar
dropbase78019 years ago
great beat
DJ ANG3L Avatar
DJ ANG3L9 years ago
Latino friend hello !!! I am happy to know that there are more Latinos on this page. VENEZUELA Y BRAZIL VECINOS!!!
Ooz!e454 (Using the studio limitedly) Avatar
Ooz!e454 (Using the studio limitedly)9 years ago
saludos del Brasil! #we-are-latin-american