Music Mash -up

Music Mash -up
Update: So Far I Think This Group Is Going Well. Everyone's Tracks Sound SOOOOO GOOD! And Everyone is staying On Task And Positive. I Will Update The Features Each Week Picking 2 New Tracks. You Can Advertise Groups And People In Here If You Like. And Please Try To Listen To The Tracks Posted It Really Means A lot The Creator. The Goal is To Have 180 Members By Dec. 27th ;P 100 PEEPS☑ 120 PEEPS☑ 150 PEEPS☑ 180 PEEPS CONTINUE TO SHARE YOUR TALENT !!!! ♥♫ NEWS!: THERE WILL BE AN UPCOMING CONTEST THIS MONTH! DETAILS COMING SOON
Update: So Far I Think This Group Is Going Well. Everyone's Tracks Sound SOOOOO GOOD! And Everyone is staying On Task And Positive. I Will Update The Features Each Week Picking 2 New Tracks. You Can Advertise Groups And People In Here If You Like. And Please Try To Listen To The Tracks Posted It Really Means A lot The Creator. The Goal is To Have 180 Members By Dec. 27th ;P 100 PEEPS☑ 120 PEEPS☑ 150 PEEPS☑ 180 PEEPS CONTINUE TO SHARE YOUR TALENT !!!! ♥♫ NEWS!: THERE WILL BE AN UPCOMING CONTEST THIS MONTH! DETAILS COMING SOON
Music Mash -up

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KITCHEN THUG7 years ago
lemme find out im the only one postin tracks xD
jamie Avatar
jamie8 years ago
it would mean alot if you guys could check out my music i have no other way of advertising :)
SoberMon Avatar
SoberMon8 years ago
my first song (tech addict) check it out -
KITCHEN THUG8 years ago
Yo check out my new track "butterflies" and recommend it please!!!