._-| Addict of Soundation |-_.
We are Music addicts We are the Soundation Addicts Follow your dreams and listen to yourself ________________________________________________________________________________ You can upload your tracks on the group and as a community we will do ourbest to give feedback and tips that we've learned. Give some real feedback where you target a problem and give the user a solution.
☺ Cookies ☺
Hello Everybody! Lets do some advertising shall we? Music Geek Records New album is now on iTunes pick it up here! Check out Phoenix's SNG Wars by clicking here
♫♪♫ Music Inspiration ♫♪♫
This group is dedicated to Music. Any type of genres. Whether it's Dubstep, Hip-Hop/RNB, Electronica,etc. Everyone is welcomed in this group! We've reached our goals as well. There are also Amazing Songs on Soundation. I haven't been updating this group for awhile. Feature Update: Every 2 weeks there will be new tracks featured. News: Anyone Who Wants to Remix Dilemma There will be an Sng File in another Group https://soundation.com/group/official-remixes Rules: Be Mature, Respect Others, Make Music, Have Fun. No pointing people out in a rude way. GOALS: _________________________________________________ [X]10 [X] 20 [X] 30 [X] 40 [X] 50 [X] 60 [X] 70 [X] 80 [X] 90 ENJOY THE MUSIC! .ılılıll|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llılılı.
Artists of the Universe
Have fun with making music! I just made this group for some users to hear the others music, give tips and also constructive critic. You are allowed to spam in this group, BUT NOT TOO MUCH! Please only post brandnew tracks you are VERY proud of! I will change the featured tracks every week. _________________________________________________________________________________ PS: A cool Wub Sound : 1)Open a Wub-Machine Channel and take the Saw Lead. 2)LFO-Speed=max. LFO-Section=the first one 3)M.S.L=min. 4)Analog Filter Section= Peak Cutoff=20 000 Hz 5)NO Reese 6)Add a reverb, Preset= Lush Piano 7)Distortion= Foldback Gain= max. 8)Add a filter Cutoff= around 13500Hz Resonance=21% (Lowpass) Now copy the channel and copy the notes one octave higher or deeper! It's finished! _________________________________________________________________________________ And a simple lead instrument! : Choose the simple Channel: Preset 8 On the saw osc: Pitch 0 Filter Cutoff Max FX: Compressor Bass Running Hot Reverb: Cold Cave Distortion: Clip, Gain 5% Fakie Tutorials like this are welcome in this group! When you've got a nice instrument please write it into the comments and I'll probably add it to the description!
Bass, House and garage!
Feel free to join up and post any bass influenced electronic music. Permitted genres: Dubstep, Drumstep, DnB, glitch hop, Moombah, Trap, grime, bigroom/electro house, garage, bassline, complextro. (If I have missed any, let me know and i'll add it on). Any sub-genre - e.g Liquid DnB, trap-step, Robostep is fully allowed! Rules: Criticism is allowed but please try not to offend. Post only the genres permitted No racism - We are ALL equal If you think a track needs featuring let me know either by leaving a comment or PM me. Please don't do both as spam is very annoying and a waste of mine and your time. Also DO NOT vote your own. *If you want to have a song placed into the spotlight, please PM me with it. i will make the decision based on how well it is produced, if it is well mixed, if i enjoyed listening to it as well as many other factors.* I will spotlight up to 3 Tracks at a time, as well as featuring the 3 songs. (I will spotlight and feature if i feel the song deserves the attention). *TUTORING NOW AVAILABLE* Check this link for all the info you need! https://soundation.com/group/Soundation-Tutoring
Hay Hay Hay Yah
Beyond Soundation Studios
Wanna be the Best DJ? Wanna be known in Soundation Studios? Wanna go Beyond Soundation Studios? Well Heres your chance to *SHOW what you GOT for SOUNDATION!* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Rules:* ☢ No Cussing ☢ No TROLLS ☢ No Negative Comments ☢ No one will Judge you for being who you are ☢ Have *FUN!* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyone can Vote :) Anykind of Genre will work to just while it sounds good Also i'll have Featured Tracks Changed When I can. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Admin*- Wh!teTig3r (*DJ Brisk*) *Co-Admins*- DJ Fox *What can i say about them!? They are Awsome!* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Messege from DJ Brisk:* Wh!teTig3r will not be on Soundation anymore. This is *DJ Brisk* she gave me her account. So now i'm the admin of this group. I'll try to leave it the way she left it.
Biweekly Facebook Feature Competition! ("fIGHT!")
Welcome to my open-for-all, Biweekly Facebook Feature Competition! Here's how the competition works: Every two weeks, I'll be selecting three tracks posted in this group to be featured on this page (for two weeks), on both my personal Facebook page, AND on my music Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/pursuitmusic.ak?fref=nf) for two weeks, and they shall remain posted on this page... FOREVER (unless deleted or removed from the page by their respective artists. Also, this does not mean that they will be featured forever, but rather posted forever; there is a difference)! I will remove all other tracks, but they can be reposted for as many other biweekly periods as necessary to featured. Note that a track doesn't even have to be my favorite track in the group in order to be featured; I may select a track because of it's complexity, ingenuity, originality, or simply because I may want to help out newer members to the Soundation community. Here are a few rules; you may want to READ CAREFULLY: 1. Rule number one about "fIGHT!": You may totally talk about "fIGHT!" 2. You may totally post any tracks, regardless of genre, length, or date/year/any general time period of creation, with a couple exceptions... 3. You may not post any W.I.P. (Works-in-Progress), or track previews, as they will not be considered for selection and will be removed. 4. You may not post any tracks with any explicit content or language, as they will not be considered for selection and will be removed. 5. You may not post more than 3 tracks within each biweekly selection period (as an example, let's say from Wednesday, Feb. 4, 2015 - Sunday, Feb. 18, 2015). 6. You may totally reenter previously entered entered tracks on this page by removing them and reposting them to this page. 7. You may totally promote your own or somebody else's tracks on this page. 8. You may totally promote any other music related pages on this page. 9. You may not promote pages unrelated to music on this page. 10. You may not be a jerk. If anything, encourage your fellow artists, and give them tips and constructive criticism if you can. Please, please, PLEASE... If one of your tracks that you posted didn't get featured, please, if you believe that it's still one of your best or most unique or most complex or most musical tracks, please repost it! There are so many great tracks that are posted, but I have to choose only a select amount (I may, in the future, end up featuring up to five tracks at a time, but we'll wait and see on that); thus, I am forced to pass up on featuring some tracks that I'd REALLY LOVE to feature! So if you don't get a certain track featured the first time around... Try, try again. Have fun!!
Cheapskates (free users unite!)
Think you need a premium account to make good music on here? Nah that's rubbish, I am a free users and think soundation is great without any of the paid stuff. So if you want to show off what you can do with a free account join now and post your stuff. Have fun and share your music! Edit: Soundation are making it harder and harder for new users, from restricting the number of instrument tracks in each project to removing automation. This is really unfortunate. All I can suggest for those who miss these features but do not want to pay a premium for them is that you give audiotool a try.
Cosmic Twist
Yo welcome to the cosmic twist! We only have the best music playin by the best musicians around you think your one!? Drop a beat and let's see what you got!! I'll be featuring tracks every month to determine who's a legend or not 1st place= a like a comment & will be recommended to be featured in the soundation team group 2nd place= a like and comment 3rd place=....ill let u guys decide what 3rd should get
Coursera-Intro to Dig Snd Design-Feb.2013
This group is for anyone registered in the Coursera course "Introduction to Digital Sound Design" from Jan-Feb, 2013. Participants will post one-minute compositions for listening and voting. Parameters and rules for the composition will be posted on the Coursera.org site on Monday, Feb. 18, 2013.
Everybody who makes electro-music can join! Please only post your best Electronca tracks! But you also can post other genres! Please have fun !!! :)
Elements of Music
*In partnership with angel the hedgehog* Come one come all, music makers of any kind can join. From the "Nature" type to the "City" type. The main goal of this group is to have fun and be yourself, the more originality the better!
Ugh. I'm failing school you guys. I cant keep up with this and every thing else. This account might be going idle. How do you feel about that?
Hijack's Club
This is a group just for fun and support. I want to make a popular group so everyone can post their best tracks, good or bad, it doesn't matter. NOTE: THIS IS A SUPPORT/FUN GROUP, NOT A "MAKE PEOPLE FEEL BAD AND NEVER WRITE MUSIC AGAIN" GROUP. Lastly, featured tracks will be updated once a week or earlier! (sometimes later, depending on the activity) Also, I won't feature WIP's, only completed tracks. (Btw, I wont feature my own tracks, I think that's kinda dumb..... No offense to anyone of course) Have fun, and learn from the comments! NEWS: Updated! Also, can we get that 100 users on this? That would be nice
Benthebeast9 years ago
dude that's dope. I'm trying to fugiure out how to add voice
MONOXIDE9 years ago
A-MA-ZIIIIING!!!!! ~(0_O)~
Kracked Ekho / illRipper10 years ago
liked and diggin it bruh. KE approved
3de World Reject10 years ago
Thanks @ DJ Too Much.
som10 years ago
*jaw drops and mumbles out in awe* fucking amazing homie like wow wow wow
3de World Reject10 years ago
Thanks Wally.
Wally10 years ago
Fucking Sick man!!!!
3de World Reject10 years ago
Endeavor10 years ago
Love it. <3
3de World Reject10 years ago
Like it? @ Endeavor