dance and trance
This group is for all the dance and trance artists out there looking forward to hearing your music. Please be nice and just enjoy xxx ANY ONE CAN JOIN
Electronic: Dance Trance and Spacesynth
ELECTRO: Trance Dance Space Music and other electronic music genres is welcome here. Be proud of your song and share it with us. This group is to the electronic style where Synthetics sounds is used ;-) more or less. Thank you for enjoy this group. We hope to get many good hours together with you.
Haunted Trance
Many songs can be posted if you like trance music with a lot of the reverb like type sounds. Please join if you want but just know that you can post anything else you'd like. I sometimes have the "Haunted" type music. Just know that i will NOT tolerate any swearing or vulgar language!! I would appreciate if you would PM me if you have any suggestions on how i can fix my music. Thanks!! See you soon.
GMusic. Group №2. (Private)
Sound Generators
This group is aimed to both teach and demonstrate how to generate your own sounds using the instruments inside soundation studio. This group will primarily focus on making your own sounds and note clips to use in your own tracks but also show you how to make sounds work within a track. You should have some musical knowledge when you join this. Though you will learn some musical terms if you don't know a whole lot about music. I hope you get your joins worth in this group :) Sound sharing is okay encouraged! If you discover a sound that you would like to share with the group just write a comment with the instrument, values of that instrument, effects used (if any), and values of those effects (skip this if no effects). You can make a spreadsheet or document with the instruments and effects (if any) used to produce a particular sound (Example: ). You can also save a track as a .sng (Soundation Studio's sound file) and send it to whoever would like to use it. Announcements! Starting January 1, 2013 I will be disallowing all track ads. I will be giving this group more focus at the start of the new year. You will only be allowed to post sounds you have discovered and would like to share. Track posting may be disabled as well. Other Helpful Groups Beat Hunters (SPC User Group) Andreas Tips N' Tricks NOTICE I may begin to clear out the tracks page and give this group more focus. This said, I may disallow track ads for this group in the future. I will give more details on this when I sort them out.