Haunted Trance

Haunted Trance
Many songs can be posted if you like trance music with a lot of the reverb like type sounds. Please join if you want but just know that you can post anything else you'd like. I sometimes have the "Haunted" type music. Just know that i will NOT tolerate any swearing or vulgar language!! I would appreciate if you would PM me if you have any suggestions on how i can fix my music. Thanks!! See you soon.
SynthRay avatarCapitalBeatz avatarHeywhatchadoing? avatarCyber Posix avatarboxofmad5 avatarSplice avatarromotoma avatardbidwell94 avatarRahmel avatarSanny Parker avatarG.E.Z avatarGood boy avatarMa-Lacky avatarstevengodell avatarsedduardo avatarKinji avatarCorpse avatarOGF avatarWhyyy_ avatar
Many songs can be posted if you like trance music with a lot of the reverb like type sounds. Please join if you want but just know that you can post anything else you'd like. I sometimes have the "Haunted" type music. Just know that i will NOT tolerate any swearing or vulgar language!! I would appreciate if you would PM me if you have any suggestions on how i can fix my music. Thanks!! See you soon.
Haunted Trance

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