That sounded pretty cool but 1 thing, i think instead of adding that thing, (dont know the term) , at the end i think u should have just ended it bro and yea imma girl. Dude that sounded pretty dang good for 1! And i an't that good anyone bro so i can't really be judging but ya pretty dang good.
This is actually pretty good. :) and I got no feedback on this..
Tech Twister
That sounded pretty cool but 1 thing, i think instead of adding that thing, (dont know the term) , at the end i think u should have just ended it bro and yea imma girl. Dude that sounded pretty dang good for 1! And i an't that good anyone bro so i can't really be judging but ya pretty dang good.
false blonde
why is this in a remix contest?
lol @ Xephyr
so cool
Gotta love those sound packs.
Thank you very much I will treasure your comment heheh!P.S If you know AIr then you will get a bit of this music!