Aproxy (WIP)

About 8 years ago Electronica
I decided to make a remix of one of my earlier works when I found out that I was selected to speak at a state competition that's next week. I feel victorious...but at the same time, it scares the crap out of me... I also want to know if the synth introduced in the 2nd part of this snippet can be improved... I honestly don't know what genre this would go under... This may have an 80's/90's feel...

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DUTCH Avatar
DUTCH4 months ago
DUTCH Avatar
DUTCH4 years ago
🎶Never gonna give you up🎶
DUTCH Avatar
DUTCH6 years ago
How long will we wait... How far does the timeline go... How many premiums will run out befor we will finally be bestowed upon this masterpiece... We'll never know :o
DUTCH Avatar
DUTCH6 years ago
DUTCH Avatar
DUTCH6 years ago
I'll never give up on this
DUTCH Avatar
DUTCH7 years ago
I am still so hoping this gets finished one day :p I just absolutely love the vibe of this
Outzyder Avatar
Outzyder8 years ago
thanks! means alot : )
DUTCH Avatar
DUTCH8 years ago
I am truly impressed!
DUTCH Avatar
DUTCH8 years ago
Very nice. This has a very spacy vibe. If you'd layer the reverb snare with another one you could make it some stronger and still have the vibe. I love the fx you created. I think that the bassline could be a little cleaner. Also try and keep it from being repetive. Absolutely stunning. I love the vibe, i like the lead and its truly amazingly well put together! I love it!
Outzyder Avatar
Outzyder8 years ago
thanks for the feedback