Jensen Enterpise
Upload any type of track you want. Shout out other users as well. No cursing in chat. No spam. No self-advertising. Failing to cooperate will lead to a ban. click the links down below and take a listen to some of these tracks.
Compete for SOUNDATION'S WEIRDEST SONG! Weird songs that I like are featured in the Weird Week Tunes :) NO BRAGGING!!! Feel free to share tunes and your profile URLs. Weird week tune: BubbaGump
Type. Beat. Contest. Just a place for everybody to get together have fun and make beats as homies. If you were a real one you'd join lol. Also there will be type beat contests in this group of anyone participating there will be a system that's simple. There are 5 slots for a win so basically 1st to 5th place anyone in those places after the contest gets shouted out here in the group but that'll be only from 2nd to 5th. The person in first place will be shouted out in my bio. Good Luck!
Music for Fun
This group is aimed to give members a fun experience while they work with Soundation Studio. For Soundation users wanting help with basic studio functions or if users need advice on how to make a particular track work. This is also a group for anyone that would like to share their music and love of music! No special requirements needed. You're a music lover and that's good enough! Announcements! ICON SUBMISSIONS You are more than welcome to send in group icons for MFF! If you do create a group icon for MFF throw me a PM and I'll give it a look! WE HAVE A DISCORD! It's pretty dead but feel free to chat it up :p be nice
contest on got the bets talent
Real Sick Artist
THIS IS ONLY FOR THE BEST USERS. if your one of the best then join. This can be a social group. just chat and post songs ------------------------------Today's headlines---------------------------- Dollface have had a lot of his songs featured. who will knock him out the top 3 users in this group? -----------------------------------happening now----------------------------- OK Announcement. WE ARE HAVING A WEIRD CALLAB CONTEST. WERE THE PEOPLE WHO YOU THINK WON'T WORK GOOD TOGETHER CALLAB. ----------------------------------upcoming songs Nothing so far. -------------------------------------favorite trap songs----------------------- Nothing so far. ------------------------------------favorite dub-step songs------------------------ Nothing so far. ------------------------------------favorite electronic songs------------------------ Nothing so far ----------------------------------TOP 5 USERS------------------------------------------- 1st:DollFace 2nd:Phoenix Official 3rd: Beats of The Sick 4th:TC-5 5th: CJ
Welcome to the official CHRI5 group! Here I will post announcements, sneak peeks of unreleased tracks, and more that people only in this group will see. You can post any type of music in this group and I'll feature music that I like. New music will be featured every week. Feel free to mess around in the comments section, just don't be mean. Join My Monthly Remix Challenge - Announcements: July 1 - Buzz Remix Only rule: You can self promote in the comments just don't spam or be annoying
If you are a true dragon lover, join this group today! We have contests every month! :D!
The Music Contest
Post songs and vote songs. But U can not vote your own songs.
This is a group for a wide variety of music! Welcome to all! Feel free to join this group. :) Have a splendid spring! Anyone got some fresh new beats for the new season? Let's go! We made it to over 1500! Thank you so much for all your support! Keep the tracks coming everyone!
Anyone can join :) Rules: 1. Your song must have a bass drop 2. Whoever has the most votes at deadline wins Deadline: No deadline yet!
Share your #Downtempo tracks for a chance to get featured!This group is for music you can fill the dream world with. From Ambient, Electronica, Chill Out to New Age, share your drifting downtempo soundscapes here and get lost in a calming hum of blissed-out melodies. Lovers of Synthwave and Vaporwave, this place is for you too. Wrap yourself in this cloud of sound for hours of contemplative bliss and sonic still frame.Keep dropping tracks. We look forward to hearing your music!
Song Contest
The rules are basic you just need to not overuse swearing and that is all. 1st: Gets MAJOR bragging rights and a shout out in my Google news (If i can get them to do that) 2nd: Bragging rights and a possible shoutout in my Google news 3rd: Bragging rights Follow me on Google for more info or email me at Google Plus is Cole Train ONLY POST ONE SONG
⁹⁹⁹Cryptic4 years ago
I-hate-my-life4 years ago
good song choice bruh
Yui ♪4 years ago
my name 4 years ago
polentita4 years ago