the screamer
In the middel of the core
No machines
Lost ideology
Product of the evolution
The Hidden paradise
the soundation Dj's
this group is about making music for life!!!!!
Army of soundation
Soundation Group For underground and upcoming artists on Soundation. ANY AND ALL TRACKS/ARTISTS WELCOME
Soundation Addicts
Welcome! Take a tour, and if you feel like sticking around press that 'Join Group' button! It's a privilege to be apart of this group. Here, you can be apart of a community. You can make friends, get feedback on your music, or seek help if you need it. It is a privilege, do not abuse that privilege or it will be taken from you. There aren't many rules so I am asking you to please obey them. Please do not bully. If you are commenting on someone's track, don't be nasty, be fair. Please respect each other. Please do not troll or spam. You are allowed to promote your tracks and groups of course- but please don't get excessive. ANNOUNCEMENTS (8/7/2014): Hey everyone, it's me. I know that many of you were very frustrated with me because of my long absence- there were no winners of the Halloween contest I was hosting last year because of this. I know that was really upsetting and disappointing- you guys put a lot of effort into the tracks that you entered and I thought they were all wonderful. I don't know how to describe how sorry I feel. I've been gone so long, I've basically just disappeared and let this group die. And I know that I've been gone many times before, and I know that I've made excuses over and over but I promise you that if it weren't absolutely necessary to take a break- then I wouldn't have. The reason for my long absences is personal so I would prefer not to share but I promise you guys- I really am back and I'm going to be as active as I possibly can be. I am terribly sorry- I hope you guys can forgive me. "One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain." - Bob Marley GROUPS YOU MIGHT WANT TO CHECK OUT Video Game Addicts Music for Fun Music Makerz Relax, It's Just Music Never Stop the Music Y U NO JOIN?
Ugh. I'm failing school you guys. I cant keep up with this and every thing else. This account might be going idle. How do you feel about that?
All Dubstep. All the time. Comment what you want, just don't advertise your group or really, don't advertise anything. I'm gonna sound like a hypocrite now, but get the group out there! Get people here! I thank you for the members now, but we need more, were worthy aren't we? Haha, happy dubbing!
._-| Addict of Soundation |-_.
We are Music addicts We are the Soundation Addicts Follow your dreams and listen to yourself ________________________________________________________________________________ You can upload your tracks on the group and as a community we will do ourbest to give feedback and tips that we've learned. Give some real feedback where you target a problem and give the user a solution.
If you like dubstep, COME HERE! We talk about dubstep, talk about dubstep tracks, you can even put on your tracks on here!
The Ministry Of Soundation
THIS GROUP IS FOR THE BEST MUSIC PRODUCERS AND DJ'S ON SOUNDATION. There are very highly skilled artists here, if you would like to be apart of the group, leave a comment on our page the admins will check you out and invite you if you qualify. To qualify you need to atleast have the ability to produce music on your own with your own made sounds and using the studio to the fullest. If you are not invited into the group we just believe you need more experience in the studio, come back when you think you have improved your skills and we will be sure to check you out. This GROUP IS NOT FOR JUST ANYONE! Only the talented ! All music genres accepted. please leave feedback and likes when possible throughout the group it is highly appreciated thankyou. This group has its own extended contest group only for the best in the ministry, check it out ! See link for more info - Ministry Of Soundation Contest Groups Music Contest Check It Out ↑ Rules In The Ministry ☢ No swearing be proffessional ☢ No nasty comments, be honest but be fair ☢ Must respect other members ☢ No trolls allowed Co-Admins DJ Fox Heywhatchadoing? ( Co-Admins Will Help Keep This Group Alive And Updated, They Will Be Happy To Help Members With Anything ) Top Groups To Check OuT Music For Fun RAIDERS Music Makerz The Beatmakerz relax, its just music Addict of Soundation Sound of Advancement Music Is Cool The Soundation Masters Soundwave Destructors ONLY BEST MUSIC NEW E.R.A. Above The Influence Team Soundation They will help you with any questions or queries you have about soundation. Summer Music Camp Of Soundation They will help you with anything in the studio such as how to use instruments and effects plus many more learning issues. Soundcloud Users For anyone that has a Soundcloud account feel free to join this group Featured tracks will be changed every sunday!
Soundation creations
This is a simple group of the last people of soundation, here we talk and share info about our works, from peru to everyone.- Error4