
About 8 years ago
A futuristic theme with harmonizing synth whines and bells! An atmospheric instrumental great for futuristic lobbies.

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disco19 Avatar
disco197 years ago
Really great song! Do you have any tips for successful Soundation-ing?
disco19 Avatar
disco197 years ago
The weird thing is, I actually went to Shanghai in April and to this exact shopping centre too... co-incidence at its weirdest.
[this project has concluded] Avatar
[this project has concluded]8 years ago
oh. then I've never been there, but I have been somewhere similar
Treyz Beats Avatar
Treyz Beats8 years ago
@Roix its one of the of the entrances to the Bainaohui mall in Shanghai, China. Would love to go there!
[this project has concluded] Avatar
[this project has concluded]8 years ago
I think i've been to the mall in the pic.. i feel like i've seen it before