Lost in my Imagination

Over 5 years ago
A song I made using Soundation samples, just for some practice remixing.

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𝕮𝕭 Avatar
𝕮𝕭5 years ago
little hollow  Avatar
little hollow 5 years ago
Interesting track, i like it :)
arbour Avatar
arbour5 years ago
also nice quote :)
𝕮𝕭 Avatar
𝕮𝕭5 years ago
Alright cool, I'll try to make the synth a little less heavy, thanks for the ideas guys!
The Flaming Fox Avatar
The Flaming Fox5 years ago
Pretty nice, love the composition. Has a bit of a vaporwave feel to it, which certainly adds that dreamlike mood i think you were going for. If I could say one thing, the synth is a bit too heavy, too jarring. If it was a bit quieter and had a bit of fade in I think that would improve it. Aside from that I see little issues with this, it's good.
arbour Avatar
arbour5 years ago
maybe put a filter on it
arbour Avatar
arbour5 years ago
one piece of feedback is the chords kinda sound jarring