Every once in a while something comes along that is fucking-incredible, like BACON, Free Wi-Fi and Dragon Age: Inquisition. This is one of those things now. May it forever be acknowledged.
@Doc Regals (a.k.a) Cybersonic what's SAU?
Thx T-Roy for making songs. The Wave form is so deceiving. It makes it looks like it's really High pitch, when its not.
T-Roy!!! Yeaa! Good work on this man. I like it. Next time, make that kick pattern a 4x4 pattern in the drop though. Everything just hits nicer and it sounds cleaner.
OSMOSOS JONES10 years ago
Every once in a while something comes along that is fucking-incredible, like BACON, Free Wi-Fi and Dragon Age: Inquisition. This is one of those things now. May it forever be acknowledged.
T-Roy10 years ago
Thanks guys alot and my bad I havent been on to respond but yea thanks again
The Forgotten God10 years ago
thx Doc Regals
Cyprasonic (a.k.a) Doc Regals10 years ago
@The Forgotten God: Oops... Yeah, SAU =Sound-ation Artists United. He's been featured for like a week. ;-)
The Forgotten God10 years ago
@Doc Regals (a.k.a) Cybersonic what's SAU? Thx T-Roy for making songs. The Wave form is so deceiving. It makes it looks like it's really High pitch, when its not.
CYCLOSA10 years ago
beautiful. recommended it!
Foresight10 years ago
T-Roy!!! Yeaa! Good work on this man. I like it. Next time, make that kick pattern a 4x4 pattern in the drop though. Everything just hits nicer and it sounds cleaner.
Cyprasonic (a.k.a) Doc Regals10 years ago
Nice bro! Will feature this on SAU.