Share your collaborations for a chance to get featured!Soundation's Collab Live lets you make music in the same project with anyone in real-time. Find out more about Collab Live here.Keep dropping tracks. We look forward to hearing your music!
Bloc Party
Co Admin(s): Twisted Dreamers Lostdutchmen SupraStar leviticus ****IMPORTANT STUFF::**** *I'M BACK PEEPS!!! *AGAIN* *Hey guys i would like to sincerely apologize fo not being on for so long i just had some really important stuff come up but i WILL be back on hopefully posting a track every week if not two* LETS MAKE IT TO 200 MEMBERS! OR TO AT LEAST 150! *I WILL BE ON EVERY DAY SO FEEL FREE TO SEND ANY QUESTIONS YOU HAVE OR ANY RECOMMENDATIONS YOU MIGHT ALSO HAVE* *JOIN SOME OF MY OTHER GROUPS HERE* *FEATURED GROUPS TO BE IN* (PUT SOME IN THE COMMENT SECTION BELOW) Join My group on G+: Music Makers *THE CHOSEN LIST*: *DJ Skateboarder* *TAGGEST* *Fazer* *Hypa Noize* *KRackEd EkHo* *Zammo* *Gabe Spivey 1* *Tydal Wave* *vinyl syghting* *BackBonez* *Cyclosa* *Xephyr* *Exile* *XM920* *leviticus* *Twisted Dreamers* *J.A.C.O.B* *Adriel Quiles* *Tom Bellinger* *SHURIKEN*
#1 Track makers all day ^_^
I created this group for anyone who simply loves to make music no matter what genre it may be, your welcome to make any type of track you want. To make this a little more interesting we will have contests at random times so if your interested join and if not then I hope you find a group that siuts you. 2 BASIC RULES: 1. No cussing 2. Be nice *ANNOUNCEMENTS* 4/18/13 d^_^b .....These are also some people you should check out because thier amazing :) 1. Fugie- 2. Jix- 3. Keoni- 4. dusmusicuk- 5. Artwork2550- 6. Dj Brisk- 7. Calum Hood 8. Swagster 9. Manny 10.dubstepaddict 11. Black crane studios 12. D.j. FX 13. KRacKED EKHo 14. The new Kid 15. BASSDROP
Welcome to the official CHRI5 group! Here I will post announcements, sneak peeks of unreleased tracks, and more that people only in this group will see. You can post any type of music in this group and I'll feature music that I like. New music will be featured every week. Feel free to mess around in the comments section, just don't be mean. Join My Monthly Remix Challenge - Announcements: July 1 - Buzz Remix Only rule: You can self promote in the comments just don't spam or be annoying
Any Music
On this group you can share any songs that you would like more people to notice. So probably put your best songs on here. Everyone is welcome!! If you listen to anybody song and you do not like it don't put any bad comments on it. Just leave some feedback. Please do not post wips on this group.
Cheapskates (free users unite!)
Think you need a premium account to make good music on here? Nah that's rubbish, I am a free users and think soundation is great without any of the paid stuff. So if you want to show off what you can do with a free account join now and post your stuff. Have fun and share your music! Edit: Soundation are making it harder and harder for new users, from restricting the number of instrument tracks in each project to removing automation. This is really unfortunate. All I can suggest for those who miss these features but do not want to pay a premium for them is that you give audiotool a try.
Share your #Downtempo tracks for a chance to get featured!This group is for music you can fill the dream world with. From Ambient, Electronica, Chill Out to New Age, share your drifting downtempo soundscapes here and get lost in a calming hum of blissed-out melodies. Lovers of Synthwave and Vaporwave, this place is for you too. Wrap yourself in this cloud of sound for hours of contemplative bliss and sonic still frame.Keep dropping tracks. We look forward to hearing your music!
Dark Warriors Of Valor
Recommended Groups Music Madness--> _________________________________________________________________________________ You Guys Can Now Advertise A Group Per Month! But Don't Spam PL0X! _________________________________________________________________________________ Group Update! OMG! Guys thank you for staying with me over this long period of absence and inactivity! _________________________________________________________________________________
☺ Cookies ☺
Hello Everybody! Lets do some advertising shall we? Music Geek Records New album is now on iTunes pick it up here! Check out Phoenix's SNG Wars by clicking here
chain. 鏈。
This group is mainly about Instrumental Hip Hop but you can post whatever you want on here, self promotion allowed but no spaming. Btw people who are fatured will stay there intill i change it.
._-| Addict of Soundation |-_.
We are Music addicts We are the Soundation Addicts Follow your dreams and listen to yourself ________________________________________________________________________________ You can upload your tracks on the group and as a community we will do ourbest to give feedback and tips that we've learned. Give some real feedback where you target a problem and give the user a solution.
Coursera-Intro to Dig Snd Design-Feb.2013
This group is for anyone registered in the Coursera course "Introduction to Digital Sound Design" from Jan-Feb, 2013. Participants will post one-minute compositions for listening and voting. Parameters and rules for the composition will be posted on the site on Monday, Feb. 18, 2013.
Bxby Talk
post underground music
If you like bass drops join if your a beginner join any one join rules 1.there are no rules
Lil Scarz3 years ago
LIL WIT3 years ago
GrEaT jOb