Your tunes!
You can post your tunes here!!@#
Hey, welcome to FreeUserZ! This group is a hangout group for anyone with a free account who wants to join. Need help or have a question? We'll do our best to answer it! Got a cool song you want to share? Great! We'd love to hear it! Post as many tracks as you want, ask as many questions you want, and have fun! Only 2 rules are no swearing and be nice to people! Thanks! :)
'Radon' Talent beta
Welcome to the Radon Talent pool! Please read all of the rules and regulations. If you fail to comply to these Rules you will be kicked from the group. Rules! You can only post one track per month (yes we are checking) No spam No hate comments Give constructive feedback to help your fellow competitors grow No vote for vote Don't post a track if you h ave already released with radon or Xygen. How it works? Every month, competitors can post one track (new or old), which they think showcases their talent. They also vote for tracks that they think are awesome! At the end of the month, The radon team will choose two artists from the top ten that we think deserves a release on radon. (Just because you had the most votes doesn't mean you will get a release) What can you win? A release with xygen or radon you join the radon and xygen discord chat, where you can get feedback and improve your music production skills with over 75 artists who share the same passion as you. Faq: Does the track that i posted to this group get released? No, Radon only releases new not yet released tracks.
Jxyne8 years ago
I made it and logic
Doramaa8 years ago
Blitz8 years ago
lol i know what he made this on garage band lol
I2OLATE 8 years ago
na sry to chill. not my style but if it was my style this is great.
Dexter X8 years ago
gooooood and new
Eldoornob8 years ago
didnt exactly enjoy it but nice job
Jxyne8 years ago
thanks again everyone
qalaxydoq8 years ago
It was really calm and relaxing. I really like it <3
Jxyne8 years ago
thanks everyone
Chordial8 years ago
wow dude you are getting pretty good at logic