I'm Dan//Bethlem and I create music from my emotions and my mind, which is a scary place. Music to me is not just an art form, it can express every feeling possible, and at the same time be nothing more than sound waves moving through the air. We own nothing, yet we have everything; the fact we can create music makes us all Gods in our own right. We act as a creator to something which can affect other people in a way that nothing else can. That is an appealing thought to me. We bring everything into creation, when we close our eyes, or block our ears with our hands; nothing exists. It is only when we open our eyes to the world that we see that anything is possible, including making music in a way that was never possible just several years ago. I'm sure I over think these things, but these are the feelings that music invoke in me. Please listen to my music, and enjoy your stay on my page.