Oftwhyte - The Noise // Remix Competition

Oftwhyte - The Noise // Remix Competition
Afternoon all! Hope you are all doing well, and welcome to my remix competition! DL links - Chrome studio version - https://www.dropbox.com/s/0cjk9mzeaynbhik/Oftwhyte%20-%20The%20Noise%20chrome%20version.sng?dl=0 Non chrome studio version - https://www.dropbox.com/s/xs5eyabgawlf3on/Oftwhte%20-%20The%20noise%20Non-chrome%20version.sng?dl=0 Get to work!!! I dunno when to call the contest to an end but I will see. Oh also forgot to add, feel free to post anything on soundcloud, link the remix to me and I will repost it
Tc-5 Official avatarDUTCH avatarM-possible avatar[this project has concluded] avatarNesta Malcolm avatarDiansiji avataroverdoze avatarZERØ SILENCE  avatar $uicideVice  avatargarbage avatarNitrate Embers  avataridk  avatarDead Dave 2.0  avatareleanorburner2494 avatariNFCT avatarHƎX  avatarSky avatarfli avatartheoftus avatar Tdogg avatararbour avatar𝕊𝕦𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕞𝕖 avatar
Afternoon all! Hope you are all doing well, and welcome to my remix competition! DL links - Chrome studio version - https://www.dropbox.com/s/0cjk9mzeaynbhik/Oftwhyte%20-%20The%20Noise%20chrome%20version.sng?dl=0 Non chrome studio version - https://www.dropbox.com/s/xs5eyabgawlf3on/Oftwhte%20-%20The%20noise%20Non-chrome%20version.sng?dl=0 Get to work!!! I dunno when to call the contest to an end but I will see. Oh also forgot to add, feel free to post anything on soundcloud, link the remix to me and I will repost it
Oftwhyte - The Noise // Remix Competition


Voxel - (info in bio) Avatar
Voxel - (info in bio)5 years ago
theoftus Avatar
theoftus5 years ago
its up to you which you wanna keep, but id just say the saw is the main bit
Voxel - (info in bio) Avatar
Voxel - (info in bio)5 years ago
ok. which one is the main melody?
theoftus Avatar
theoftus5 years ago
voxel man, just delete most of the channels, main melody is only bit you need to keep
arbour Avatar
arbour5 years ago
the most ive ever done was like 11
Voxel - (info in bio) Avatar
Voxel - (info in bio)5 years ago
I might compose it from scratch by listening to the track and rewriting the notes back into the studio cause its a really nice song in itself.
Voxel - (info in bio) Avatar
Voxel - (info in bio)5 years ago
No way I'm remixing this. Way too many channels. 40 channels, really? the most I've ever had to use is 18.
 Tdogg Avatar
Tdogg5 years ago
yes it is
little hollow  Avatar
little hollow 5 years ago