Oftwhyte - The Noise // Remix Competition
Afternoon all! Hope you are all doing well, and welcome to my remix competition! DL links - Chrome studio version - https://www.dropbox.com/s/0cjk9mzeaynbhik/Oftwhyte%20-%20The%20Noise%20chrome%20version.sng?dl=0 Non chrome studio version - https://www.dropbox.com/s/xs5eyabgawlf3on/Oftwhte%20-%20The%20noise%20Non-chrome%20version.sng?dl=0 Get to work!!! I dunno when to call the contest to an end but I will see. Oh also forgot to add, feel free to post anything on soundcloud, link the remix to me and I will repost it
Jxyne8 years ago
Great song and lol that desc. Relatable dude(I have to make all my music on my parents computer, I have a Chromebook)
theoftus8 years ago
Holy shit dude, nice!
SLOCM3Z8 years ago
eh. I hear the future now. But not the dubstep. still like it though XP
overdoze8 years ago
1st drop : future 2nd drop : dubstep/future 3rd: trap
SLOCM3Z8 years ago
very cool. I didn't hear any dubstep or future though
overdoze8 years ago
future n dubstep n trap in all
DUTCH8 years ago
Yaya! :D