Promote Your Music

Promote Your Music
Hey guys, This group is for promoting your music. Have a decent song, actually try, don't use loops, and you'll be good. If you have a good song that you want to many people to be able to find, post it here! If there are really good songs here, I will feature them (If I can find out how). Plus, the more the people in the group, the more people that can hear your music, the more people that will like your music, and the more people that will follow you! so get more people in! this needs to get big. help me help you. Post a track with the link in the description. Do something!!! Thank y'all for joining!!! ____________________ GROUP UPDATE ~ AUGUST 12 2017 there will now be a feature of the week every week!!! make sure you post a great song every week to have a good chance to get featured! Good luck!
Hey guys, This group is for promoting your music. Have a decent song, actually try, don't use loops, and you'll be good. If you have a good song that you want to many people to be able to find, post it here! If there are really good songs here, I will feature them (If I can find out how). Plus, the more the people in the group, the more people that can hear your music, the more people that will like your music, and the more people that will follow you! so get more people in! this needs to get big. help me help you. Post a track with the link in the description. Do something!!! Thank y'all for joining!!! ____________________ GROUP UPDATE ~ AUGUST 12 2017 there will now be a feature of the week every week!!! make sure you post a great song every week to have a good chance to get featured! Good luck!
Promote Your Music

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Depending  Avatar
Depending 4 years ago
im sad everyone's gone lol
SH3LL SH0CK Avatar
SH3LL SH0CK7 years ago
Noah Avatar
Noah7 years ago dang sea tunes is everywhere
KCM Avatar
KCM8 years ago
Promotion? well... I need that you to recommend this, PLZ
Luke Coulter Avatar
Luke Coulter8 years ago
Well I hope it will be too
Noah Avatar
Noah8 years ago
Haven't joined a group in a while, this better be worth it ;)
Luke Coulter Avatar
Luke Coulter8 years ago
I know Spring tide isnt my best song, but I am using it just to kick this group off.