Man, this is unbelievably well put together, firstly big ups yourself! The musicianal complexity (if thats a word) is so insanely good to me, it blows my mind, a proper ballard for the ages. You've managed to capture so many genres too, from the Dubstep drums to the Heavy guitar intro to the complextro arp in the buildup. I dont even know what to say! The reese in the drop seems a bit overpowering, but then when the dubstep drums and especially the snare comes in, it all ties together. I love the outro too, it could all be its own song. Overall, this is an insanely high level of production.
I feel the genres, especially the guitar and the dubstep are slightly opposed to one another, and following the melody along, it almost feels too windy with the key changes, but again, you seem to manage to resolve it each time. I think within the limitations of the studio this is incredibly good and high level production, and I'd love to work with you on future projects! This seems like a real labour of love so I hope you take pride in what you have done here.
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thesploinkerchabbs19 days ago
thank you guys so much!! i honestly didn't really think too much of it, but i appreciate all of your kind words ^^'
DUTCH19 days ago
Indeed dayum I really enjoy this, post it to the dubstep group and I'll feature it!
theoftus19 days ago
Man, this is unbelievably well put together, firstly big ups yourself! The musicianal complexity (if thats a word) is so insanely good to me, it blows my mind, a proper ballard for the ages. You've managed to capture so many genres too, from the Dubstep drums to the Heavy guitar intro to the complextro arp in the buildup. I dont even know what to say! The reese in the drop seems a bit overpowering, but then when the dubstep drums and especially the snare comes in, it all ties together. I love the outro too, it could all be its own song. Overall, this is an insanely high level of production.
theoftus19 days ago
I feel the genres, especially the guitar and the dubstep are slightly opposed to one another, and following the melody along, it almost feels too windy with the key changes, but again, you seem to manage to resolve it each time. I think within the limitations of the studio this is incredibly good and high level production, and I'd love to work with you on future projects! This seems like a real labour of love so I hope you take pride in what you have done here.