ksms studwents only
Hi there; If you love your music and you really want to share it - then this group is the right one for you.This is a contest if someone is not in that group you can still join. Contestants should create and post any track they want. You will recieve points based on the following: Rhythm, Effort and Originality. RULES: The only rule I have is NO SWEARING or CURSING PPL what so ever Other wise have fun and Enjoy posting your tracks :)
Next Gen Music Army
Anyone is welcome to show off their music production talents. Vote on your favorite songs to the right Welcome to the Army!
Wub Wub
:) just for fun
Skrillex Fan Group
A group for Skrillex fans alike to come and post their fav songs by the Skrill man.
This group is for minecraft inspired music and fans of minecraft in general.
If you are good at or like making dub-step then this is your group. we're just a bunch of dub-stepers just like you. We also accept any other music but preferably dub-step.
overdoze11 years ago
Fuck dude! This is awsome! It's pretty much the same song! Good job!