Untitled Song
rock on baby
Rock n' Roll
This group was created by me, Hatchling Rebel. Any and everybody is allowed to join. Feel free to post any Rock tracks you've created, liked, whatever. Don't forget to follow me! By the way, the reason why I have no tracks is because I erased them, so I'm not exactly a newbie. I am thirteen though. Enjoy!
Dark Thoughts & Souls
This is my group for artists who appreciate the darker side. From horror, the supernatural, to exorcising your demons. Rock, country, hip hop, classical, any genre. So, if you have a tendency to walk in the shadows, feel free to post. The only rule is respect your fellow artists https://www.facebook.com/pages/Markus-Darkscribes-Asylum/470574279660007?ref=hl https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2wYL7I3zemY6zs8ky-Qkhg