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Unknown Creator Avatar
Unknown Creatora year ago
I see. Thank you for correcting me. I wish I was homeschooled but I wasn't. People look at me and listen to my music and say "He doesn't believe in God!" when in fact I go to church and I love God. I carry a bible everywhere, I pray when I need to, and I believe in people's morals more than my own. Thank you for correcting me dude!
josephthegiant Avatar
josephthegianta year ago
I'm really glad you like this song and that it may help you in some way, but the main point of the song was to distinguish myself as a Christian homeschooler from the popular crowd, because mainstream culture doesn't like that. I wasn't trying to encourage a "screw you" sort of confidence that everybody should have in their own mind. i was more intending it to be taken in the context of being a Christian homeschooler, cuz i get being called lame the most and i hear about it happening the most to people like me. hope that makes sense.
josephthegiant Avatar
josephthegianta year ago
KillerSkull, I'd like to clarify what I'm saying. The line was "get flack for respecting my parents." My point in writing that line was saying that the general culture of teens is not really that big on respecting your parents. Respecting your parents can get you labeled as a sheep, but it's the right thing to do. Disrespect naturally has a bad connotation, and rightfully so, because disrespect is not good. So, I'm not condoning disrespect, rather, I'm saying that I'm going to do the right thing no matter what.
Unknown Creator Avatar
Unknown Creatora year ago
I agree with the name. Everybody tells me I'm lame and that I'm stupid for disrespecting my parents. I got great friends who I trust and who trust me. I have a great girlfriend who loves me with all her heart. But yet, people call me lame and I'm proud to be lame! Being lame just helps build character in my opinion. My first car was my grandpa's truck after he died. Love this song man.