electro house
This group is specially made for all types of modern music and dupstep. So feel free to join and post your tracks so i can make them as popular as possible . RULES: .no swearing .have fun .post your tracks
Music Is The Weapon
Hello! Make yourself at Home! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *•••◄Update►•••* *May 31, 2018 [12:10AM]* Well I suppose it is safe to say that this group is officially dead. It has been for a while now, and by that i mean several years.. and perhaps more to come, that's why i'm not putting any specific numbers. There's a chance I might log in to simply jog my memories on the more simpler days as a child, (saying this due to the fact i'm practically an adult by now and this was created nearly 6, perhaps 7 years ago..) so i guess you could continue posting if you want. After all, this is a generalized group for all to enjoy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *What the Group is about* This group is (was) meant to help members from this community to upload and share their original music piece. They could receive whatever help needed to improve and succeed or simply enjoy and appreciate everyone else's creations. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Rules* § *No Spamming* § *Be Organized* § *Respect Others* § *Be careful with your own Promotions* It shouldn't be that hard to follow. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Featured tracks* will be changed whenever I remember to change them.
I have noticed that there is a heavy emphasis on more aggressive or energetic tracks on soundation. I want to make people more aware of the beauty of chilled/deep music and I want a place where people can post there chilled music and for people to appreciate it. Like most other groups I shall regularly rotate the featured tracks. feel free to post your tracks but they must be chilled. genres like garage, lounge, chillout, ambient, cinematic and anything deep are what I am looking to get people to produce. The best tracks are the ones that make you feel some emotions, I shall put up a few of my own tracks that I feel do that.
._-| Addict of Soundation |-_.
We are Music addicts We are the Soundation Addicts Follow your dreams and listen to yourself ________________________________________________________________________________ You can upload your tracks on the group and as a community we will do ourbest to give feedback and tips that we've learned. Give some real feedback where you target a problem and give the user a solution.
#1 Track makers all day ^_^
I created this group for anyone who simply loves to make music no matter what genre it may be, your welcome to make any type of track you want. To make this a little more interesting we will have contests at random times so if your interested join and if not then I hope you find a group that siuts you. 2 BASIC RULES: 1. No cussing 2. Be nice *ANNOUNCEMENTS* 4/18/13 d^_^b .....These are also some people you should check out because thier amazing :) 1. Fugie- 2. Jix- 3. Keoni- 4. dusmusicuk- 5. Artwork2550- 6. Dj Brisk- 7. Calum Hood 8. Swagster 9. Manny 10.dubstepaddict 11. Black crane studios 12. D.j. FX 13. KRacKED EKHo 14. The new Kid 15. BASSDROP
Bloc Party
Co Admin(s): Twisted Dreamers Lostdutchmen SupraStar leviticus ****IMPORTANT STUFF::**** *I'M BACK PEEPS!!! *AGAIN* *Hey guys i would like to sincerely apologize fo not being on for so long i just had some really important stuff come up but i WILL be back on hopefully posting a track every week if not two* LETS MAKE IT TO 200 MEMBERS! OR TO AT LEAST 150! *I WILL BE ON EVERY DAY SO FEEL FREE TO SEND ANY QUESTIONS YOU HAVE OR ANY RECOMMENDATIONS YOU MIGHT ALSO HAVE* *JOIN SOME OF MY OTHER GROUPS HERE* https://soundation.com/group/taginthenight https://soundation.com/group/taggest *FEATURED GROUPS TO BE IN* (PUT SOME IN THE COMMENT SECTION BELOW) Join My group on G+: Music Makers https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/110130697102216297392 *THE CHOSEN LIST*: *DJ Skateboarder* *TAGGEST* *Fazer* *Hypa Noize* *KRackEd EkHo* *Zammo* *Gabe Spivey 1* *Tydal Wave* *vinyl syghting* *BackBonez* *Cyclosa* *Xephyr* *Exile* *XM920* *leviticus* *Twisted Dreamers* *J.A.C.O.B* *Adriel Quiles* *Tom Bellinger* *SHURIKEN*
Contest Weekly
Hey! New contest! This used to be Contest Weekly Vol. 2, but the first one is no longer! So we are gonna be starting anew!!! In this contest, we will hold a competition every week basing these weeks off of themes. Your goal is to match that theme. Judges will be decided at random each week by yours truly.Cheers and have fun RULEZ: 1.No person can win a contest 3 times in a row. 2.At least try to match the theme 3. You can only post one song for each week, so be careful. 4.There can not be the same prize 2 times in a row. 5.I am not allowed to participate in contests that I have to judge myself.And neither are you! 6. NO VOTING FOR YOUR OWN TRACK!!!!!!!! YOU WILL BE KICKED. Like ferreal guys(im lookin at you Shade77) 7.Be nice and considerate, have fun and enjoy. =============BE SURE TO CHECK OUTS============= BE SURE TO CHECK OUT: THE CONTEST OF THE CENTURY!!! hosted by me, Tydal Wave link: https://soundation.com/group/the-contest-of-the-century BE SURE TO CHECK OUT: all of the soundcloud users, here is a link to a group containing many of us: https://soundation.com/group/soundcloud-users Thank you =================ANNOUNCEMENTS=============== ~WINNER OF WEEK ONE~ Twas KE. Being the dubstep king of soundation(second to me of course ;) he blew me away with this drop. I chose this drop because for the whole while ive never been able to make sounds as awesome as him(second was Xephyr) ~THIS WEEKS JUDGE~ Is KE! ~_THa cONTEST_~ Please show mr EkHo here what you nad do with the mono! So make a song using mostly mono, with the main melodies in the mono channel. TIME FRAME:: February 21st-28th Restrictions:: Use mainly Mono, the time doesn't matter, just be at least over 1 minute. Prize:: You get to choose the contest for next week! ________________________________________________________ *Not every week will the winner be determined by votes, some will be determined by me.
For The Best of The Best
If you think you got skill ask me and i will send you an invite at the end of each month 3 tracks will be chosen as the BEST (by your opinion) _______________________________________________ THESE 3 TRACKS SHOULD BE PUT IN THE COMMENTS BY THE 7th OF EACH MONTH OR ELSE I WILL HAND PICK 3 RANDOM TRACKS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a contest for group member. Prizes will be discussed https://soundation.com/group/rly-you-read-this-shit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *WIP* Any work in progresses posted should be deleted if the next one is posted or if the final version is posted. What I mean is you can post work in progresses but its your responsibility to delete them afterwords. *********************************************************************************************************************************** *Current Featured Users:* Paradox(Me) Follow here:https://soundation.com/user/ParadoxMusic M-Possible Follow here:https://soundation.com/user/xmp Rynn Follow here:https://soundation.com/user/Rynn Tydal Wave Follow here:https://soundation.com/user/TydalWave Taggest Follow here:https://soundation.com/user/shade77 K.Nino Follow here:https://soundation.com/user/kyle-watts-acer1691 KRackEd EkHo Follow here:https://soundation.com/user/KRackEdEkHo cyberbit Follow here:https://soundation.com/user/cyberbit RENEGADE Follow here:https://soundation.com/user/T_H_M Adriel Quiles Follow Here:https://soundation.com/user/AdrielQuiles Cyclosa(Formerly Digital Demon) Follow Here:https://soundation.com/user/cyclosa S/\V/\Z Follow here:https://soundation.com/user/SAVAV M.G.S. Follow here:https://soundation.com/user/Shadow400500 J-SNAP Follow here:https://soundation.com/user/J-SNAP- Elizade(Formerly DJay) Follow here:https://soundation.com/user/elizalde ☣Ludwig Productions☣ Follow here:https://soundation.com/user/LudwigProductions Sean Foxx Follow here:https://soundation.com/user/seanfoxx Bass4rog Follow here:https://soundation.com/user/BASS4ROG If you in this group by March,2014 then you will be added to the Featured Users list! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Featured Groups*: Music for Fun Join here:https://soundation.com/group/music-for-fun Addict of Soundation Join here:https://soundation.com/group/addict-of-soundation *Best Users under 21* (join only if your under 21) Join here:https://soundation.com/group/the-best-users-under-21 Ask to join here:https://soundation.com/user/lightrider Cheapskates (free users unite!) Join here:https://soundation.com/group/cheapskates Join here: Join here: Join here: Join here: Join here: Join here: Join here: *Suggest Groups in the comments to put them in the blank spots! :D* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *NEWS UPDATES* For some reason the links to,Savaz and J-Snap are not working so if you want to follow them just click thier icon!I will see if I can fix this but it might take time! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please try to advertise this group as much as possible but dont spam it every where.I want this group to be filled with talented people and also some less talented people(no offense) so they can learn a bit and become better. **************************************************************************** _______________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
This is my personal group of who I think is fantastic on this website. Just know, I'm a little picky...In some ways.
seth99997 years ago
look at this awesome song
mafia king9 years ago
damn this beat is hot
Wally9 years ago
This song is really something else ;) Did anybody use that pun yet? lol fucking still love this <3
Sean Foxx9 years ago
Can't believe it's been 2 years since I released this! This track started everything.
Sean Foxx9 years ago
@TheDutchman It's not at the top of my list at the moment but definitely at some point!
DUTCH9 years ago
Still no VIP :(
Sean Foxx10 years ago
I'll see what I can do.
Foresight10 years ago
blzr.10 years ago
YASSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE???????????;)
pryzm10 years ago