Brony Remixerz
All the Bronies come together and make music!
Brony DJs
This group is for Bronies who make dubstep or electronic music. ONLY FOR BRONIES!
This is basically just whatever you make of it. If you know you have ability, join. If you know you don't have ability, don't join. I really could care less if you choose to join or not, that's your choice. Also, Derpy Hooves may or may not be the picture of the group picture thingamajiggy. Whatever. Keep calm and Brony on. Also, the Rhythmrz just sounds cool and is fun to type. Enjoy doing whatever it is people do, I don't really know.
Bronies of the Music World
Where brony DJ's are highly supported :)
Brony tracks, brony stuff, brony loops all brony stuff if your a brony then come here!
Bronies and Pegasisters
This group is for everyone who is a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
Brony MC
Bronies and Pegasisters of good talent called forth in this group to celebrate My Little Pony Inspired music.