Kick Beat
Telling A Story!!!!
A great time for talking
Repeat Master
The Killing Cubes
The Killing Cubes are the really cool group for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! { :-)
This is a group for a wide variety of music! Welcome to all! Feel free to join this group. :) Have a splendid spring! Anyone got some fresh new beats for the new season? Let's go! We made it to over 1500! Thank you so much for all your support! Keep the tracks coming everyone!
Skrillex Fan Group
A group for Skrillex fans alike to come and post their fav songs by the Skrill man.
Music is Cool
Like Music For Fun, Music Is Cool is a general group on Soundation. Unlike any the invite-only groups, Music is Cool is not for just the best, it's for people of all skill levels. You are allowed to post any genre of music up here. This is open for all people. h2. Co-Admins: _If I'm not here, they have control of the group._ "Snow Fox": "Heywhatchadoing?": h2. Advisors: _These are the users you can PM if you need help with a specific music genre_ **Drum n Bass:** "wyatt17": "DJ Fox": Click "here": to follow me. **Custom Notes:** "DJ XJM": Click "here": to follow DJ XJM "Snow Fox": Click "here": to follow Snow Fox. **Soft Piano/Techno:** "Snow Fox": **Electronica:** "wyatt17": "Heywhatchadoing?": "ksmtornado": "DJ LJ[liamboi486]": *Dubstep:* "Heywhatchadoing?": **Insane Ammount(For those who are insane and crazy with the studio):** "Makin Beatz": h2. Groups To Check Out _These are some real cool groups you should check out..._ "Only Best Music": "Music For Fun": "Music Makerz": "Tornado!": "UrbanNiche": "The Ministry Of Soundation": "The Beats of Tomorrow": "Ministry Of Soundation Contest": "Sound of Advancement": "Sound Generators": "Versus": "PB4L Kings":