Not bad pal got some good sounds mixin ther but still needs some work gota get the tempo down an control them sounds bit more, some are very out of tune and dont work well 2geva keep workin on it tho great job.
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Ma-Lacky13 years ago
okay thanks man
Heywhatchadoing?13 years ago
This is still un-quantized sorry to say. Try to keep your kick on beat 1 and your snare on beat 3, that will give you a good dubstep foundation. :)
Ma-Lacky13 years ago
okay il try and fix those problems and thanks man
Mr MäJê§тïc13 years ago
Not bad pal got some good sounds mixin ther but still needs some work gota get the tempo down an control them sounds bit more, some are very out of tune and dont work well 2geva keep workin on it tho great job.