Snow in July
Kazam v3
Kazam v2
School Of Soundation
h2. Welcome Back To School! Welcome to the School of Soundation. Here, you will learn about Soundation's Studio and how to use it. People who have passed and have no more questions and have shown that they have a special talent for music advance to "Soundation Masters": Those who want special training can join "Sound Generators": . h2. Teachers _You can PM them for help or you just ask them a question through the comments_ **I am now hiring teachers for the School Of Soundation! PM me if you want to be hired and I will PM you the requirements..** **Teachers for Drum n Bass:** *"wyatt17": "DJ Fox": Click "here": to follow me.* **Teachers for Custom Notes(Special Training):** *"DJ XJM": Click "here": to follow DJ XJM. "Snow Fox": Click "here": to follow Snow Fox. "Fugie":* **Teachers for Soft Piano/Techno:** *"Snow Fox":* **Teachers for Electronica:** *"wyatt17": "Heywhatchadoing?": "ksmtornado": "SiKKaH": "Samedi":* *Teachers for Dubstep:* *"Heywhatchadoing?": "Ma-Lacky":* **Teachers for Insane Ammount** *"Makin Beatz":* h2. Work-In-Progress(WIP) If you want to post a WIP it's fine.... everyone needs some work done and changes done to their songs. If you don't want to post a WIP, while you're in the studio, click "Save As', and you type in the name of the song and you're done. *Featured Tracks change every Friday!*
All Dubstep. All the time. Comment what you want, just don't advertise your group or really, don't advertise anything. I'm gonna sound like a hypocrite now, but get the group out there! Get people here! I thank you for the members now, but we need more, were worthy aren't we? Haha, happy dubbing!
music masters
please join my group Rules: 1.No cussing fighting
steelers 1
summer school of rock
you can up lode any song and get invited to rocin roll masters that is if you have good enough songs :D
Soundation Addicts
Welcome! Take a tour, and if you feel like sticking around press that 'Join Group' button! It's a privilege to be apart of this group. Here, you can be apart of a community. You can make friends, get feedback on your music, or seek help if you need it. It is a privilege, do not abuse that privilege or it will be taken from you. There aren't many rules so I am asking you to please obey them. Please do not bully. If you are commenting on someone's track, don't be nasty, be fair. Please respect each other. Please do not troll or spam. You are allowed to promote your tracks and groups of course- but please don't get excessive. ANNOUNCEMENTS (8/7/2014): Hey everyone, it's me. I know that many of you were very frustrated with me because of my long absence- there were no winners of the Halloween contest I was hosting last year because of this. I know that was really upsetting and disappointing- you guys put a lot of effort into the tracks that you entered and I thought they were all wonderful. I don't know how to describe how sorry I feel. I've been gone so long, I've basically just disappeared and let this group die. And I know that I've been gone many times before, and I know that I've made excuses over and over but I promise you that if it weren't absolutely necessary to take a break- then I wouldn't have. The reason for my long absences is personal so I would prefer not to share but I promise you guys- I really am back and I'm going to be as active as I possibly can be. I am terribly sorry- I hope you guys can forgive me. "One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain." - Bob Marley GROUPS YOU MIGHT WANT TO CHECK OUT Video Game Addicts Music for Fun Music Makerz Relax, It's Just Music Never Stop the Music Y U NO JOIN?