Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites (Biodacity Remix)

The remix of this song by skrillex. It's pretty good for what I can tell. Skrillex is one of my favorite dubstep producers, and I like what I did to this song. of course it's not as good as the original though.
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timmysplit12 years ago
i like it i fixed up my remix of sierra leone check it out please let me know what you think
Heywhatchadoing?13 years ago
I'm a judge from SFM 2012:Originality: 2/5: Sorry, but I think this remix didn't do much justice for the original :( Skill Level: 2.5/5: You have shown us decent arrangment of loops, but that's all. Creativity 2/5: No note clips, just loops and samples. Next time, try not to make the loops clash with one another, and btw less is more! :D
Big Roshi13 years ago
Hey I'm a judge for the summer music festival! Originality - 3/5 (based off of a original song, with the same synth line too) Creativity - 3/5 (You used only one original loop) Skill level - 2/5 (You mixed 2 different loops that really clashed and didn't sound natural. The dub loop was repeated over the entire song and the drums really had no purpose. Try making your own loop next time for the dub so they sound fluent!)