No Need For Alarm (BAWB Remix)

BAWB Small Avatar BAWB  
Almost 12 years ago
remix of another of Knarlow's songs


Xephyr Avatar
Xephyr12 years ago
You know what I haven't done yet? Remix a remix. I would love to remix this song. If we 3 remix each other's remixes In a circle, it would create a whole knew song. BWAB, can I remix this song? PM me. _________________Xephyr
Unorthadox Avatar
Unorthadox12 years ago
Wow man! There were almost no parts where I didn't enjoy the song! This is fantastic, BAWB. You're certainly becoming accustomed to the studio. Thanks for remixing my stuff, dude. If you want any more of them, let me know!