☆◆Disco Galaxy◇★ ***EXTENDED***

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About 10 years ago
Groove a little longer darling, the party's just begun! https://www.dropbox.com/s/mk7mjko99lz2y59/Disco%20Galaxy.sng?dl=0 Click -> http://tab.gladly.io/?r=11069611 to make the world a better place.

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3de World Reject Avatar
3de World Reject10 years ago
Luminous (Formerly dApl8ya) Avatar
Luminous (Formerly dApl8ya)10 years ago
Some of the most polished instruments I have heard on Soundation in a while...amazing job!
ArtWork Avatar
ArtWork10 years ago
Thanks everyone! :D @ Xephyr- Wow! I never noticed that before. The kick comes from the 130_Beat_Buzzerk wav. (a free library sound) which I have filtered with a cutoff buildup. Perhaps the manner in which it is filtered (not to mention the tempo is slightly altered) makes it clip and it sounds like a "gabber kick". Honestly, it doesn't bother me at this point but if it proves to interfere with the overall quality of the track I'll post a new one with my best mastering efforts. I won't lie to you, I don't know much about mastering, all I know is don't let the cloud hit the walls :P Thanks! btw
anthony balacco Avatar
anthony balacco10 years ago
ozcii Avatar
ozcii10 years ago
Xephyr Avatar
Xephyr10 years ago
why the gabber kick in the beginning? This is a great song though
Foresight Avatar
Foresight10 years ago