Sound of Advancement
Skits has passed along leadership to me, and I will try to make it just as good as he left it :) The contest will continue, and I have the bracket saved and showable to you guys here's the link. Contest Bracket
Welcome to the New E.R.A of music. The purpose of this group is all in the name.. New E.R.A. means "New *Empire of Rising Artists*"...this group is for new artists who show a special talent for music. This is also for the All-Stars, Masters, Pros, and the users who have been here for a while who have shown their skills...If you would like to join, leave a comment and I will check out your tracks...Reported Users WILL NOT BE INVITED! h2. Co-Admins _These are true leaders who will help me keep this group active and fun_ *"Mr MaJesTic":* h2. Requirements _You must meet one of these requirents to join..._ *I. You can't be a reported user...IF the CSI removes your reported status, you may be invited.* *II. If you are a well-known user with a clean record and you got skills, you'll be invited.* *If you are in a pro/all-star/elite group(like "SoA": , "Soundation Masters": , "Ministry of Soundation": .etc), you'll be be invited.* *Basicly You GOT TO HAVE SKILLZ!* *Also, you can't be a troll! Trolls aren't allowed! I WILL BE checking everyone's account to make sure they meet ALL requirements.* h2. Rules _If you fail these rules, you'll get kicked out..You CAN get redeemed(re-invited)_ *I. No Cursing* *II. No spamming* *ABSOLUTELY NO TROLLING! If you troll, you will get BANNED, not kicked out. When you're banned, you're gone for good.*
I ♥ Soundation!
This group is not for any particular type of music lover. but for any type of music lover. don't care of its dub step, or jazz. metal, or rap. i don't care. as long as you are a human being.
UNDERGROUND - WUB This is a group i started for dubstep and dnb tracks but now its just a place to post ur tracks! im bringing back the featured tracks mini comp so every sunday i will post the winner here and the three top tracks of thiers will be posted on a differnt group
UNDERGROUND-WUB judge2- Anthony12 years ago