Music for Fun
This group is aimed to give members a fun experience while they work with Soundation Studio. For Soundation users wanting help with basic studio functions or if users need advice on how to make a particular track work. This is also a group for anyone that would like to share their music and love of music! No special requirements needed. You're a music lover and that's good enough! Announcements! ICON SUBMISSIONS You are more than welcome to send in group icons for MFF! If you do create a group icon for MFF throw me a PM and I'll give it a look! WE HAVE A DISCORD! It's pretty dead but feel free to chat it up :p be nice
Music Makerz
So after a lil bit I actually turned into a decently popular rapper Im glad this is still one of the top groups, keep spammin Im sure someone will click it lol Soundcloud: Big Roshi Ill be there 100% of the time I came back here cus I was bored. Love you soundation but unless my messages start getting real business offers/collaborations this won't be a priority. TheDevilstop is a grown man now, he's got bill and such lol. HMU Best of luck with your music careers, mine started here and ended in me being an ignorant rapper. Never know what'll happen. - Roshi (7/12/2018) P.S I owe a lot this website, use these tools cus nobody else will be ya hero
This is a group for a wide variety of music! Welcome to all! Feel free to join this group. :) Have a splendid spring! Anyone got some fresh new beats for the new season? Let's go! We made it to over 1500! Thank you so much for all your support! Keep the tracks coming everyone!
!Hall of Fame!
This is the music Hall of Fame, only for those who are invited, who are the best of the best in the music industry. Get noticed by members of the group, and you too can be inducted. Have fun! You can also recommend people to this group if you want, and if you want to join the group, just let Lifeslayer know! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leaded by: Lifeslayer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want a track recommended, post it in the tracks and you may be on the featured list in the Hall of Fame!
._-| Addict of Soundation |-_.
We are Music addicts We are the Soundation Addicts Follow your dreams and listen to yourself ________________________________________________________________________________ You can upload your tracks on the group and as a community we will do ourbest to give feedback and tips that we've learned. Give some real feedback where you target a problem and give the user a solution.
#1 Track makers all day ^_^
I created this group for anyone who simply loves to make music no matter what genre it may be, your welcome to make any type of track you want. To make this a little more interesting we will have contests at random times so if your interested join and if not then I hope you find a group that siuts you. 2 BASIC RULES: 1. No cussing 2. Be nice *ANNOUNCEMENTS* 4/18/13 d^_^b .....These are also some people you should check out because thier amazing :) 1. Fugie- 2. Jix- 3. Keoni- 4. dusmusicuk- 5. Artwork2550- 6. Dj Brisk- 7. Calum Hood 8. Swagster 9. Manny 10.dubstepaddict 11. Black crane studios 12. D.j. FX 13. KRacKED EKHo 14. The new Kid 15. BASSDROP
~TrueMusic~(2016 Update)
This group is for people who want to contribute there music to more people and listen to and beginners could learn more and get more advanced in to making their tracks. PLEASE POST TRACKS however many as you can. Featured tracks will be changed every Monday and Friday. If you want them featured make sure they're good. Please give feedback on my tracks as well. !!!! Have Fun Guys !!!! :D
Beyond Soundation Studios
Wanna be the Best DJ? Wanna be known in Soundation Studios? Wanna go Beyond Soundation Studios? Well Heres your chance to *SHOW what you GOT for SOUNDATION!* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Rules:* ☢ No Cussing ☢ No TROLLS ☢ No Negative Comments ☢ No one will Judge you for being who you are ☢ Have *FUN!* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyone can Vote :) Anykind of Genre will work to just while it sounds good Also i'll have Featured Tracks Changed When I can. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Admin*- Wh!teTig3r (*DJ Brisk*) *Co-Admins*- DJ Fox *What can i say about them!? They are Awsome!* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Messege from DJ Brisk:* Wh!teTig3r will not be on Soundation anymore. This is *DJ Brisk* she gave me her account. So now i'm the admin of this group. I'll try to leave it the way she left it.
Celebrities of Soundation
This group is honestly something I thought of doing when I was younger. I hardly get on this website anymore, so if I'm gone for a long time or if you don't hear from me or can't seem to get a hold of me, I apologize in advance. Shout out goes to Autumn Apollo! Great job!
dream music!
Electronic Music
Join this if you like Electronic music, and feel free to invite people who make electronic music. Thanks
sorry again ive been gone so long
GOLD METAL (For the best of Soundation!)
Think your the master. Send me your best song. Ill check it out and see if you deserve a GOLD METAL! ------------------------------------------------------- RULES: Were awesome/the best Soundation artists. Don't try to get kicked ok? 1. Don't curse. 2. (THIS IS FOR ALL YOU HATERS ON SOUNDATION) Don't hate on these artists. Ill be sure you don't join ANY of my groups. 3. Do not spam. Linking to your songs are fine! But if you ask me to join a group. I will most likely not join. 4. Don't rush me for invites. I can only do so much. -.- 5. HAVE FUN! :D -------------------------------------------------------------------- Enjoy the music from the best artists on soundation! :) XM~~
Ministry of Music
Ministry of Music is a fantastic chance to get your track out there . Please feel free to leave comments messages and post your tracks to the group. If I like a track I will mention you in a comment telling everybody to listen to your track !!!!! Be part of this social group.....You wont regret it!!! I will also post a comment every week at least to tell you what is what!!!! PLEASE GET AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE TO JOIN THIS GROUP BECAUSE I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE IT GO REALLY FAR. Also feel free to ask any questions you might have ......thanks xxx Isabel Walker;) --------------------
OfficialDBO *NEW*11 years ago
Damn bro! This was AMAZING, just bring in it for some mastering in FLstudio and you will probably hit the charts in Beatport! :D
aldrickjosue11 years ago
Awesome song*
Visualz11 years ago
hey teach me
Foresight11 years ago
Hey congrats on trending dude!
Audial11 years ago
Amazing percussive work my friend! I found the drop a bit too anticlimactic though
CYCLOSA11 years ago
Oh...diddnt see that. Im going to do a bigroom remix i have a perfect outline for it in my head
false blonde11 years ago
so basically whenever.
false blonde11 years ago
@Cyclosa it's in the remix group.
CYCLOSA11 years ago
So when do i get to remix this?
CYCLOSA11 years ago
So motha fluppin amazing. Huge like for you