InterGalactic [Dubstep]
Untitled Song
Dubstep Drop
Heavy Talking Bass
Heavy Bass
Sick Wobble
Urban Subsitutes
People That Like DUBSTEP
This group is only for people that like Dubstep.
Trap vs Dubstep
It's the battle between trap and dubstep.
Recommend A Feature
Everybody's Followers
This is an AWESOME group! Anyone can join :) Also, if anyone is interested in making money online, you can join a great free site called Wealthy Affiliate. Its Free! Click this link to make an account: http://www.wealthyaffiliate.com?a_aid=34479279 Thanks so much for all your support to make this group what it is today!!! :) ONLY 3 POSTS ABOUT ADVERTISING YOUR GROUP OR TRACKS PER MONTH. ALL YOUR TRACKS ARE AWESOME!! >SEND ME A PM IF YOU WANT YOUR TRACK FEATURED< [I WILL DECIDE IF I WANT TO FEATURE IT] Help me get to my goal of 1000 Members!!! HEY GUYS BIG ANNOUNCMENT! Can you please sign this petition to tell Soundation crew to make a Soundation app: https://www.change.org/p/soundation-power-fx-crew-make-a-soundation-app?recruiter=385172496&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink I Need all the signatures I can get. THANKS SO MUCH!! Once we get a lot of signers, I can show it to Soundation crew. :) FEATURED TRACKS KSMTORNADO Electronica 4!!! 2047 44 607 33 LIKE SHARE DOWNLOAD 00:00 / 01:00 ENDEAVOR Endeavor - Destiny [Indie Dance] 5598 302 0 26 LIKE SHARE 00:00 / 03:49 DOLLFACE Chivalry 229 30 0 4 LIKE SHARE 00:00 / 04:41 COMMENTS 1517719 Fraz Bag 21 hours ago Check this out if you enjoy listening to loud annoying bullcrap. https://soundation.com/user/frazbag/track/relocivaptor-original-mix Report 318295 TheDutchman 2 days ago Hey guys me and overdoze collabed, the result is astonishing, so check it out! https://soundation.com/user/TDUTCH/track/overdoze-x-thedutchman-sex-drugs-and-dutchland Report 1125454 LIL-R 4 days ago i really want you to liston https://soundation.com/user/wats-u-beats/track/lil-r-slash Report 1428793 Hecticmusic 8 days ago https://soundation.com/user/hecticmusic/track/celestial-night Report 1113562 OPC 9 days ago https://soundation.com/user/OPCOfficial/track/110bpm-opc-eclipse LEAVE A LIKE AND RECCOMEND :D Report 1531733 ELeCTROR3D 11 days ago https://soundation.com/user/kevin2502 Report 860884 lilmixologist 13 days ago CHECK OUT MY LATEST I NEED FEEDBACK!!! https://soundation.com/user/lilmixologist/track/dubfired Report 1291802 Phoenix Official 16 days ago https://soundation.com/t/d8lal Simple. Yet Amazing. Report 959087 ChordsBoy 17 days ago Hey, ChordsBoy here! I am SERIOUSLY proud of this song!!! Check it out! Here's the link: https://soundation.com/user/ChordsBoy/track/empower Report 1113562 OPC 18 days ago https://soundation.com/user/OPCOfficial/track/110bpm-opc-eclipse I finally made a new track!!! remember to check it out,like it and recommend it for a feature!!! thanks everyone :) Report Missing Write a comment POST COMMENT 1 2 3 4 5 … › »
My Followers
This group is only for people who followed me.If you follow me,You can come over to my house,And HAVE FUN.So hurry up.Follow me now and I will invite you to this group.
Welcome to Panther.In this group we will see who is better than Kracked Ekho & 3de World Reject.And only Jazz music.
Cosmic Candy's Followers
Any Music
On this group you can share any songs that you would like more people to notice. So probably put your best songs on here. Everyone is welcome!! If you listen to anybody song and you do not like it don't put any bad comments on it. Just leave some feedback. Please do not post wips on this group.
Judy Allison
Scarified Wolf
Judy Hoskins
Kracked Ekho / illRipper
3de World Reject
Kracked Ekho 2ndary Acc (My account got hacked)