Moon Of Dreams Oozzie Remix (WIP)

Oozzie Small Avatar Oozzie  
Almost 12 years ago Electronica
juss some good ol' old school dubstep. somewhat of a good bye to the trend that was dubstep, i've kinda noticed a while ago that it was starting to get less uhhh mainstream i guess.


Oozzie Avatar
Oozzie12 years ago
no problamooooooooo
ArtWork Avatar
ArtWork12 years ago
Thanks for joining btw :)
ArtWork Avatar
ArtWork12 years ago
And they DO get better! It has nothing to do with "caliber" but everything to do with passion
ArtWork Avatar
ArtWork12 years ago
My group is more of a music fans' group than a "skill" group. I invite ppl who (in my opinion) love making music and work hard at it. No nonsense. I don't care if your track only gets one view, if that track was written with sincere intent, then you have created a Work Of Art. The only reason I have an invite only policy is because (believe it or not) there are ppl who just want to do everything but make works of art. You have to basically have a love for music, which you clearly do, and the the will to express it. Some express it better than others, and the others try to learn to get better.l
Audial Avatar
Audial12 years ago
The whole skill group thing is not a big deal anymore, the main page features and competitions are what are important now
Oozzie Avatar
Oozzie12 years ago
(continuation) a while back i decided i didn't want to be in any skill groups cause at the time everyone was trying too hard to get into them and it really just sickened me tbh, i joined yours cause you had no way of knowing this.
Oozzie Avatar
Oozzie12 years ago
that wobble is really impressing you guys, it shouldn't, if you think i automated the speed to give it the variation of lengths, then don't cause i found a way out of automating the speed, try this out guys, turn the lfo speed down to the longest held wub that you would use it in your drop which should be anywhere between half a bar and a full bar, then simply take off the loop option in the lfo section and leave the retrigger on, then simply use the key notes to determine how long the wub should be. Thnx @artwork btw, i havent been invited to your group cause i am purposely under-rated
ArtWork Avatar
ArtWork12 years ago
:) Thanks Ma->lacky, @ Oozie: Why aren't you in my group? I'm gona invite you.
Oozzie Avatar
Oozzie12 years ago
nope deff not the filth, the filter drive with a balanced resonance is how i got the basic shape of it i used the other stuff mentioned mainly for depth, pitch and easy usage
Ma-Lacky Avatar
Ma-Lacky12 years ago
@Oozzie if no degrader its just the filth then. And now that I think about it, you should add a beat down or double time section which ever tickles your fancy with a new sound aswell. Just a suggestion