Egine Remix Contest WIP posting

Egine Remix Contest WIP posting
Just a little group to post your WIPs for the Egine Remix Contest and talk about the contest, made this so Soundation Crew doesn't have to. :D
Triskelight avatarFreeRadical avatarDj Delirious avatarMa-Lacky avatarBallinTyme avatarliamboi486 avatarOozzie avatarWinter Apollo avatarTAGGEST avatardubcubcarter avatarDIRTYDUTCHmusic avatarbubby9534 avatarpaulinaomel avatar
Just a little group to post your WIPs for the Egine Remix Contest and talk about the contest, made this so Soundation Crew doesn't have to. :D
Egine Remix Contest WIP posting


paulinaomel Avatar
paulinaomel12 years ago
Hi, look at my track. do u like my track?
bubby9534 Avatar
bubby953412 years ago
Hello, I have posted "Egine - Moon of Dreams (JetBlade Club Remix)", and I would appreciate if you would listen to it and review it (negative feedback appreciated :) ), and if you leave a link to your track I too will review it. Thank you for your time.
Audial Avatar
Audial12 years ago
Listen and vote for my remix, I've spent hours and hours and hours on it, vote and listen here
gregL Avatar
gregL12 years ago Hey so I kind of finished the intro to my remix. I'm aiming for a house sound made with a sort of 8-bit chorus and a happier tune than what we were given.
Kracked Ekho / illRipper Avatar
Kracked Ekho / illRipper12 years ago
hey guys i posted my finished song in the contest here is a shortcut
Audial Avatar
Audial12 years ago
you are a muppet taggest
Kracked Ekho / illRipper Avatar
Kracked Ekho / illRipper12 years ago
please check this out and please give me feedback ive been listening to everyones tips
Triskelight Avatar
Triskelight12 years ago
@Tessa Gray, Haider! I see you changed your name lol. So here's my WIP so far, hope you all like it! Give feedback if you feel liiike itttttt.
Kracked Ekho / illRipper Avatar
Kracked Ekho / illRipper12 years ago
crap this is the right link the one below is not working