Bloodlust (Emotional Genre)

Over 10 years ago World
First song! yay oh yay i feel good nanananaana. Ha please like my song, i put work into it. thankss


IycePhoenixx Avatar
IycePhoenixx11 years ago
Awesomely epic! You should call it pixelated drama. Love it!
gregL Avatar
gregL11 years ago
it's also a pretty popular midi file, it's been floating around for a while
Foresight Avatar
Foresight11 years ago
@ALLAIRE now I see what you mean. There are 4 chords in there (F#, D, A, E I think). It's a MIDI file, but it's also a very common chord progression. I used it in my remix to "Champions" by Astronaut, and BlueCanoe used it in his song "Flight of the Choncords."
Potato Beetz Avatar
Potato Beetz11 years ago
my first song is RUBBISH compared to this!
anthony balacco Avatar
anthony balacco11 years ago
OH. MY. GOD. THIS IS AMAZING! Make more!!!!
Lynxed Avatar
Lynxed11 years ago
OOOHHMIGOD! This is absolutly fantastic for a first song!!
Lynxed Avatar
Lynxed11 years ago
Ooh! First song? Ill listen to it later since I don't have my good headphones!
gregL Avatar
gregL11 years ago
isn't this an open-source trance midi file? pretty sure someone put this up in a remix contest a while ago and passed it on as their own...
dxtr! Avatar
dxtr!11 years ago
daniel isnt lying. all i helped you with was the melody, i left the structure to you and.....damn
Foresight Avatar
Foresight11 years ago
Well, you've certainly got a good ear for this stuff. Go the the music theory group: and see what you can pick up! Once you learn the basics you'll be well on your way :D