Skylights_Revibe Remix Contest
Come one, come all, to the very first contest hosted by, the incredible, me. You guys are getting the chance to remix my song Skylights_WinterRevibe. Rules are: - No loops - And no less than at least Two noticeable changes in the song SNG is HERE... Winner is whoever scores the most points Earn points for - Creativity - How well it's remastered - How much I enjoyed the remix - How much it adds or takes away from the song's original sound - Number of votes per track (1 vote = 10pts) You cannot vote for your own track, votes from non-participants and other participants only. Thank you. Prizes are 1st- Remix will be Featured in My Soul resonance track set release and any 3 song sngs of mine from the past to present and of course...Legendary Bragging rights! 2nd- Shout out in soul resonance track release + 2 any song sng of choosing and Radical Brag rights 3rd- Any 1 song sng of choosing and Bragging rights. Bonus prize for whoever makes my favorite remix: Collab on Soul Resonance: Long Way Back All entries must be in by June 9th and that's it, No later than the 9th of June, 2017!!!
LapisMusic8 years ago
I like the Instruments!
DrachAttack8 years ago
wont have a chance to redo till monday, honestly its the first time i've tried to do a remix. normally i just do originals
Lil'Reaper BeatFactory8 years ago
This isn't and actual remix! C'mon I already went over this with Lapis and then he made an actual remix of the song.