Skylights_Revibe Remix Contest

Skylights_Revibe Remix Contest
Come one, come all, to the very first contest hosted by, the incredible, me. You guys are getting the chance to remix my song Skylights_WinterRevibe. Rules are: - No loops - And no less than at least Two noticeable changes in the song SNG is HERE... Winner is whoever scores the most points Earn points for - Creativity - How well it's remastered - How much I enjoyed the remix - How much it adds or takes away from the song's original sound - Number of votes per track (1 vote = 10pts) You cannot vote for your own track, votes from non-participants and other participants only. Thank you. Prizes are 1st- Remix will be Featured in My Soul resonance track set release and any 3 song sngs of mine from the past to present and of course...Legendary Bragging rights! 2nd- Shout out in soul resonance track release + 2 any song sng of choosing and Radical Brag rights 3rd- Any 1 song sng of choosing and Bragging rights. Bonus prize for whoever makes my favorite remix: Collab on Soul Resonance: Long Way Back All entries must be in by June 9th and that's it, No later than the 9th of June, 2017!!!
Lil'Reaper BeatFactory avatarLapisMusic avatarChordsBoy avatarmondaze. avatarright nit avatarNick Kendall - Producer avatarDUTCH avatarBjornnπŸ’₯ avatarDrachAttack avatarbanskii avatarπ•Šπ•¦π•‘π•£π•–π•žπ•– avatar
Come one, come all, to the very first contest hosted by, the incredible, me. You guys are getting the chance to remix my song Skylights_WinterRevibe. Rules are: - No loops - And no less than at least Two noticeable changes in the song SNG is HERE... Winner is whoever scores the most points Earn points for - Creativity - How well it's remastered - How much I enjoyed the remix - How much it adds or takes away from the song's original sound - Number of votes per track (1 vote = 10pts) You cannot vote for your own track, votes from non-participants and other participants only. Thank you. Prizes are 1st- Remix will be Featured in My Soul resonance track set release and any 3 song sngs of mine from the past to present and of course...Legendary Bragging rights! 2nd- Shout out in soul resonance track release + 2 any song sng of choosing and Radical Brag rights 3rd- Any 1 song sng of choosing and Bragging rights. Bonus prize for whoever makes my favorite remix: Collab on Soul Resonance: Long Way Back All entries must be in by June 9th and that's it, No later than the 9th of June, 2017!!!
Skylights_Revibe Remix Contest


banskii Avatar
banskii4 years ago
swag moment
LapisMusic Avatar
LapisMusic8 years ago
You should try it! It's fun! AND the midi will not be available ever again. Probably. I don't know, though, as I'm not Lil'.
The Last One Avatar
The Last One8 years ago
what day does the contest end each week cuz i wanna post a track but no point trying if it's almost over
Lil'Reaper BeatFactory Avatar
Lil'Reaper BeatFactory8 years ago
C'mon People... You don't got much time left!!!
Lil'Reaper BeatFactory Avatar
Lil'Reaper BeatFactory8 years ago
first gets first. Remix is featured and included in the Soul resonance release legendary bragging rights and 3 sng files of any song of mine(Where applicable)
UncleStephano Avatar
UncleStephano8 years ago
Does first place get the 1st place prize as well as the 2nd and 3rd, or just the 1st place prize?