Irritating songs
I hereby challenge you to go through EVERY one of these in a marathon. Are you up to the challenge? (With volume on of course) CHALLONGE EL DEATH: Listen to all these in order in one sitting with the following condition: Volume on 100%. You're not allowed to take your headphones off or get away from a 2 meter radius of your speakers. Are you up to this challenge??? DISCLAIMER: If you happen to start having hearing trouble while trying the challenge, don't blame me. I hereby advise against trying out the challenge for your own good.
DUTCH10 years ago
Noah10 years ago
OMG... I see what you mean!!!!! Almost every user who is not "original" uses those chords (my brother's only songs are all something like that!!! Funny
DUTCH10 years ago
Those are all sample though exept for them beat XD so adding an trumpet will be hard
Clever Whiz 10 years ago
include a trumpet and it'll be irritating for sure! and those bells as well!
DUTCH10 years ago
I tried :(
Clever Whiz 10 years ago
no I am not!