Irritating songs

Listen to all these in order in one sitting with the following condition: Volume on 100%. You're not allowed to take your headphones off or get away from a 2 meter radius of your speakers. Are you up to this challenge???
DISCLAIMER: If you happen to start having hearing trouble while trying the challenge, don't blame me. I hereby advise against trying out the challenge for your own good.
Listen to all these in order in one sitting with the following condition: Volume on 100%. You're not allowed to take your headphones off or get away from a 2 meter radius of your speakers. Are you up to this challenge???
DISCLAIMER: If you happen to start having hearing trouble while trying the challenge, don't blame me. I hereby advise against trying out the challenge for your own good.

Futilitarian / shtab7 years ago
Futilitarian / shtab7 years ago
crappy meme edit
DUTCH7 years ago
The concept is even older lol
SLOCM3Z9 years ago I tried annoying... I think
Luke Coulter9 years ago
DUTCH9 years ago
Futilitarian / shtab9 years ago
lol all of these songs are so annoying XD
Luke Coulter9 years ago
So annoying!!
DUTCH9 years ago
Thats a chewing thing looooool
SLOCM3Z9 years ago
Ohkeay! Your songs sure are annoying. AND WHAT IS THAT GIF POTATO THING?!?!