Music for Fun
This group is aimed to give members a fun experience while they work with Soundation Studio. For Soundation users wanting help with basic studio functions or if users need advice on how to make a particular track work. This is also a group for anyone that would like to share their music and love of music! No special requirements needed. You're a music lover and that's good enough! Announcements! ICON SUBMISSIONS You are more than welcome to send in group icons for MFF! If you do create a group icon for MFF throw me a PM and I'll give it a look! WE HAVE A DISCORD! It's pretty dead but feel free to chat it up :p be nice
Private Dutchland
This brings out the old day man :D
~TrueMusic~(2016 Update)
This group is for people who want to contribute there music to more people and listen to and beginners could learn more and get more advanced in to making their tracks. PLEASE POST TRACKS however many as you can. Featured tracks will be changed every Monday and Friday. If you want them featured make sure they're good. Please give feedback on my tracks as well. !!!! Have Fun Guys !!!! :D
Cheapskates (free users unite!)
Think you need a premium account to make good music on here? Nah that's rubbish, I am a free users and think soundation is great without any of the paid stuff. So if you want to show off what you can do with a free account join now and post your stuff. Have fun and share your music! Edit: Soundation are making it harder and harder for new users, from restricting the number of instrument tracks in each project to removing automation. This is really unfortunate. All I can suggest for those who miss these features but do not want to pay a premium for them is that you give audiotool a try.
Daichi-Hoshiyo Music Studios
Consider this group a company based group. Songs you post here may be published to YouTube. So join and post tracks at your own risk.
sorry guys I'm leaving for 6 weeks in Ontario for a course so i wont be able to post any new challenges until 6 weeks so this is going to be a month challenge this months challenge: Create a song with out inserting ANY NOTES! that means only use the SIMPLE AUDIO CHANNEL!!!!!!! HEY members please join at forums and get to see future challenges!
The District
A group of people that make a lot of great music. If you would like to join just leave a message on this page and I will go to your account and check out your music. If I like it your in! If you a member of this group than feel free to post your tracks.
☣☣☣☢☢☢STRAIGHT UP KLA$$☢☢☢☣☣☣
Be sure to listen to "This Is The End" by Xephyr and "Silent Moon" by Techno Wolf
CO-ADMIN: DJ Skateboarder Jared ( Behave Yourselves !!! ) RULEZ: POST ALL THE TRACKS YOU WANT HAVE FUN AND TELL MORE ABOUT THIS GROUP AND NONE OF PEOPLE PUTTING OTHERS DOWN OR YOU WILL BE KICKED!!! ANNOUNCEMENTS: POST ALL OF YOUR TRACKS Who Ever Gets The Most Votes On Their Track Will Be Featured And will Have A shoutout Join My New Groups!!!!!!!!!! `/JOIN!!!! SIDE POSTS: -Keep Posting & Tell Your Friends to Join Make Sure You Check Out My Page And Send me a PM if you have any questions ADDITIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: 4 NEW TRACKS WILL BE POSTED AND UP WITHIN A MONTH OR SO 5 NEW PREVIEWS ARE OUT ON MY PAGE PLEASE LISTEN TO THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!When A PREVIEW 100 PEOPLE TO LISTEN TO IT ILL PUT THE FULL SONG OUT!!! FEATURED GROUPS: SHOUTOUTS/ PEOPLE TO CHECK OUT: DJ Skateboarder SAVAS Calum Hood (Cal) Cyber Posix Manny Lostdutchmen TwistedDreamers The New Kid ComPlex Ambience Wakkawakkaofficial M.G.S paulinaomel razeon Tech Twister Magistidy Flystarr Xaes Oozzie ****MusicExtreme**** FOLLOWING AND JOINING: You can choose to follow anyone here in the group and feel free to join any group that is featured. KEEP POSTING!!!
Bloc Party
Co Admin(s): Twisted Dreamers Lostdutchmen SupraStar leviticus ****IMPORTANT STUFF::**** *I'M BACK PEEPS!!! *AGAIN* *Hey guys i would like to sincerely apologize fo not being on for so long i just had some really important stuff come up but i WILL be back on hopefully posting a track every week if not two* LETS MAKE IT TO 200 MEMBERS! OR TO AT LEAST 150! *I WILL BE ON EVERY DAY SO FEEL FREE TO SEND ANY QUESTIONS YOU HAVE OR ANY RECOMMENDATIONS YOU MIGHT ALSO HAVE* *JOIN SOME OF MY OTHER GROUPS HERE* *FEATURED GROUPS TO BE IN* (PUT SOME IN THE COMMENT SECTION BELOW) Join My group on G+: Music Makers *THE CHOSEN LIST*: *DJ Skateboarder* *TAGGEST* *Fazer* *Hypa Noize* *KRackEd EkHo* *Zammo* *Gabe Spivey 1* *Tydal Wave* *vinyl syghting* *BackBonez* *Cyclosa* *Xephyr* *Exile* *XM920* *leviticus* *Twisted Dreamers* *J.A.C.O.B* *Adriel Quiles* *Tom Bellinger* *SHURIKEN*
TAGGEST12 years ago
love it
DUTCH12 years ago
because bawb called it juice box
BOLTHEAD12 years ago
great song but why juice box???????