Meme people only!
This is for meme people ONLY!
This group is for minecraft inspired music and fans of minecraft in general.
If you like bass drops join if your a beginner join any one join rules 1.there are no rules
Meme Squad
Nightmare Army
_WELCOME_ Hey all you ghost and ghouls welcome to the dark side of Music Madness. This group is for my friend "Creepypasta Wizard" the wizard of creepypasta. So on this page you will be able to click on links to his narrations, Listen to Dark music, and Never sleep again!!!! ( jk relax ) Anyway i hope you guys enjoy it and remember "SLEEP IS OVERRATED!!!" and be sure to visit his youtube page : ________________________________________________________________________________ _MONSTER RULES_ *no bragging *no putting people down (no negative comments) NO EXCEPTIONS. *keep the cussing to a limit (you can curse but don’t over do it) *and have fun. *be nice *creepy songs only can be posted _________________________________________________________________________________ _OTHER PAGES_ >>>>Competition page: >>>>Main page: _________________________________________________________________________________ _NIGHTMARE ADMINISTRATION_ *SoundKid (a.k.a Blackwolf k13)=NT *TCPW (a.k.a The Creepypasta Wizard)=NB *Xephyr = NK *RENEGADE=NM _________________________________________________________________________________ _NIGHTMARE RANKS_ *NT= Nightmare tech (updates the group when NB tell him or her to do update) *NB= Nightmare Boss (controls everything in the group) *NR=Nightmare Recruit (post creepy songs) _+many openings_ *NK= Nightmare Knight (can ban people breaking rules) _+two more openings_ *NM=Nightmare messenger (spread the word about nightmare army) _+two openings_ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _NIGHT NEWSPAPER_ (updates in general) *so to those of you who joined this group freely or by invite welcome to nightmare army!!! Secondly we have a few opening in ranks as you can see above. _so if you want a rank pm "Soundkid"._ But if you want your song to be posted on youtube in a story or not in a story (you will get credited like crazy) pm "TCPW". in this group we will have some contest (in the competition page of course) and featured music will change when ONE OF US REMEMBERS!!! so we both hope you enjoy your stay at nightmare army and remember to click the link above ( in the welcome board above) to listen to some creepypastas or to subsrcibe and give Creepypasta Wizard some support. And never forget "SLEEP IS OVERRATED" ____________________________________________________________________________________ _SOUNDKID UPDATES_ * (BEFORE READING THIS NOTE THAT IT DOESNT MATTER IF YOUR BAD AT DRAWING OR NOT!!! IM NOT ASKING FOR A MAGICAL AWESOME DRAWING OR PAINTING!!! JUST A SKETCH OF YOUR OC THATS ALL) OC Secret santa: so i'm going to do two special drawings for all my fans and supporters BUT only the people who ask are gonna be in them sadly. I cant fit 30 or 40 people into one page so here's how it's gonna work. There will be 10 Openings for the first Drawing. (just to be fair) To be one of the 10 people in the drawing in the you will have to send me a picture of your OC and of course ask to be in the drawing. Pm me a link of the drawing or the drawing itself or send it to me via email: or if you have a manga magazine account send it to me on my MM account: For the second sketch there are only 5 openings but these opening will be for chosen people of my choice (meaning begging will not help) So that's it for now hope you ALL KEEP SHINING LIKE THE MADNESS STARS YOU ARE!!! BTW: as a bonus to those who participated your oc's will of course be redrawn and be posted on my MM account for all to see and you will all get credited like crazy and get feature on my soundation group! _________________________________________________________________________________ _TCPW UPDATES_ *
y u no join?
just be creative with your work anything is accepted ->MIXERS TO CHECK OUT<- samedi drew DakMonDusk michotic makinbeatz2012 fugie dj. samedi Oozzie SOUNDS TO CHECK OUT gr1nd up dark synthesis TRECKO rumour got it one cold night FUGIES FINALE the graveyard Oozze Cry like a VIP CO-admin. drew and invite your friends! because the more the merrier! im so glad to see how many people joined! if you have any problems or concerns just send me a message and ill see to it. thanks!
The Most Crazy Tunes
This is a Contest Where You Upload Your Craziest Tunes Once a Month Towards Middle and End I will Put up The Winner And 2 Runner Ups Please No Spam Or Ads In Comments If You Use A Song Once And It Doesn't win or a runner up you can use it again Only ONE track per person per contest
makerz of fun music
xTeh Awesome Creashunz
This is where music starts...........
The Group Of The Crazy Awesome
This groups purpose is to share all of your crazy awesome tracks nothing special
All The Sounds!
Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! Memes! MEMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!